05:09 AM
2 Loves
What would Southwest Airlines do if Marilyn Manson came on the plane in Gothic dress? How about if the President of the Southern Baptist Church was sitting across from him, and began morally judging him for his dress. Many people dress Gothically, or in todays fashions--which is the accepted norms of the fashion world. Can any other person judge another for what they wear on MORAL GROUNDS. This issue is truly not about what Kyla was wearing and more about someone "The AIRLINE ATTENDANT" who has been recently given more power by the airlines to enforce whatever silly rules they wish. I have noticed a continued trend in my past 50 or so flights where the flight attendants are less friendly and more confrontational with passengers. For an Airline that claims to have "POSTIVELY OUTRAGEOUS SERVICE"--I would agree that the treatment of KYLA is "SERVICE AT ITS MOST OUTRAGEOUS FORM". I have flown over several hundred flights in the last few years and I think I can distinquish a difference in behavior of management solely through its actions of instructing their staff. When babies are removed, women are chastized,and people are MORALLY JUDGED this AIrline is definitely in a declining mode by not trying to provide great service, Southwest Airlines once gained quickly in popularity for having Flight Attendants who joked with the crowd, lightened your hard day with a smiling face, and the entire crew (ground & air) would go out of their way to make your trip better. Captains' on the flights used to Thank You for flying Southwest and in the last 6 flights I have only heard this once. My last flight to San Diego over Labor Day Weekend began with a Flight Attendant who once I was seated in the Emergency Exit row asked if I Knew I was in the Emergency Exit Row and would I help in case of an Emergency. I repeated "Yes" loudly, she then proceeded to say I did not hear you in a very serious tone. I repeated "YES" respectfully, and she then said, "If you can not answer than I will have to move your seat." I then spoke at an alarming level and she then proceeded to say, "You don't have to yell at me." She said this same thing to toher passengers in the same area. This constant kind of harassment has been more and more prevelant when flying. Truthfully, it takes all the fun out of flying. It makes me reconsider that the hassel of passsing through security only to be treated miserably by the Flight Attendants makes flying a painful experience. The ending to this blog is to ask if I feel that screaming childrten should be MORALLY reprimanded by the FLIGHT ATTENDANTS and thrown off the airline because they offend my silebnt nature--with Southwest AIrlines policies--I would fully expect them to honor my personal needs over another passenger. If you read that clearly, I hope it sounds as stupid as it was intended. What is next? Who is next? What Culture is next? What will be the criteria for these judgements, and since I pay the fare to fly--Don't I get a Say? Or is Southwest Airlines just too big to care about providing service. Knowing that if they just take as much money as possible, people will put up with whatever Southwest cares to dole out to us. With 96 million passengers, it seems likie they just do not care anymore. I am deeply disturbed and hope that Kyla does sue the airline and the flight attendant for their lack of care, their MORAL JUDGEMENT, and their harrassment & humiliation she did not deserve.
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