08:27 PM
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My comment is in response to this post from Anonymous — Sun, 02/14/2010 - 17:16....... "The captain is effectively in charge of the flight; he is responsible for getting the customers from point A to point B. If he feels that he cannot do that safely, calmly, or sees any situation that puts another customer into discomfort or danger, he has the power to act on it."
Since the pilot, or any employee of the airline for that matter, has the power to act on situations that put another customer into discomfort, why have we never seen or heard about any actions taken against screaming, seat-kicking, ill-manner children on flights? I'm sure each and everyone of us has experienced flights where parents do nothing to control their unruly, rude and annoying children and the airline does nothing either.
My point is don't make it sound like the airlines care about making their passengers comfortable. They couldn't care less. Once our hard-earned money is in their pockets, that's the end of their caring.
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