I can't say how happy I am about IAD-DEN flights. I think this is a great move by Southwest. IAD-DEN is currently completely controlled by United, not anymore. I think Southwest would do well with a couple DEN, but I'll take the one. Thank you very much!!!!!
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I would like to know if there are any plans for IAD to DEN service. I'm think DEN nonstops would do tremendous out of IAD. United currently is the only airline that provides DEN service from IAD with 8 nonstops, 3 on A319, 2 on 757's, 2 on 767's and 1 on 777. I think Southwest could easily do DEN nonstops out of IAD. While I know BWI already has DEN, IAD is just not the same market. Here in DC and especially northern Virginia, most costomers will ay $200 more a ticket willingly and fly out of IAD rather than fight the DC traffic over to BWI. I think that DEN would do very very well out of IAD. Currently the only western market served by nonstops in LAS and we are constantly getting complaints from customers that are unwillingly to go and transfer in MDW.
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I am currently a SWA employee and luv my company very much. I also would like to say that I respect the F9 employees and applaud them on their effort to save the company. Many of us here at SWA would welcome F9 employees with open arms.
As most of you know, SWA is heavly unionized and we will not give up our seniority without a battle. Most of us, as least those who I've spoken with, are OK with giving F9 employees the higher pay. It would be the right thing to give the F9 employees a pay base on their years of service with F9, we are ok with that. However, when I comes to bidding for schedules and days off, we would like the seniority status to be the date of hire with Southwest, not F9.
Most of think this would be a good comprise, higher pay, but bottom of the line seniority for bidding purposes.
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05:49 PM
1 Love
i am currently an employee for southwest working in iad. i'll be interested to see if wn keeps dca open, my thoughts are no since we already have operations in iad and bwi. as to all the people who are bashing this. i see this as a great opportunity. bottom line is frontier is a bankrupt airline. regardless of how they got there, first data keeping credit card transactions. frontier should have never allowed itself to be put in that posistion in the first place. like i said, bottom line, frontier is a bankrupt airline and will be auctioned off. yes, some people will loose jobs, and i agree, that is sad, but at least some won't.
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