10:57 PM
10:57 PM
All should understand that TSA Pre check, and even more so the GOES (Global Access) is only granted after a fairly extensive background check. For GOES you get photographed, fingerprints taken, and a very thourough interview. The Global is the way to go as it gets you Pre Check and Global and only costs an additional $15 for FIVE yeas. A neat plus is that the five years is measured from your NEXT BIRHDAY! S, if your birthday was last month, you get 5 years and 11 months. You should alert every airine you book with what your Known Traveller Number (KTN) is, perhaps in your flight membership profile. This ensures that every time you book, your pre check status is automatically entered on your boarding pass. Get your pass as soon as possible, and if your pre check is not there - CALL the airine! Lastly - enjoy - keep your sense of humor - and always travel safe!
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