11:48 AM
3 Loves
We just flew on Friday from Ft. Lauderdale to Sacramento with a stop in Phoenix. In FLL we observed AT LEAST 26 preboarders (didn't start counting at the beginning). Only one was in a wheelchair with a cast on her foot. There were a couple elderly people who walked slowly and with difficulty. Everyone else must have had disabilities that aren't apparent. But it was quite strange that at least two groups included children and at least two adults with no apparent difficulty in moving AND keeping track of their children and multiple carryons. We had paid clear back in late 2016 for EBCI yet our numbers were in the A40s. That, in addition to all the preboarders put us essentially into the B group at about 65-70th boarded. I don't object to preboarders with legitimate...seen or not...disabilities but I have a real problem with their needing more than one attendant. Particularly if said "attendants" are children who have another adult who could mind them. And then when they all get up to leave first it's really irritating. Even if it's more efficient for SW, it's definitely bad for customer relations. Also, I just checked the fares for RT SMF-FLL for identical days and close as could be managed flights for AA and SW. Even with baggage fees AA was about $150 cheaper than SW and a person could pick their seat.
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