10:36 PM
When I look at flight it doesn't show all of them. I was told I had to access the calendar but I don't know or see how to do that.
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08:06 PM
My own experience here in Tucson with the very same problem was only fixed when I went to the airport today - 2 days prior to my flight - and purchased THEIR PET CARRIER for my cat. This was a smaller carrier than the one I had. Because of extreme computer problems - they couldnt find 3 flights that had been booked and it took 1 hour to finally access the flights even though I had confirmation numbers and had paid for the tickets. As far as the cat, the employees at the counter had no credibility with me, including the supervisor. I finally got the carrier and came home after getting them to print out tickets info. for flights. Never had this experience with any other airline but believe it was all due to the computer problems which they said was due to new programs and they hadnt been properly trained to get the right information!!! My advice to you is to go to the airport and get their carrier or you may be faced with a problem when you take your cat!!!
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