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Southwest Airlines Community

A Company in Love

Frequent Flyer A

A few years ago, while visiting friends in California, my fiancée bought a wedding dress. A few alterations and six weeks later, I flew back to California to fetch the finished dress and bring it back to Massachusetts. Now, you cannot cram a wedding dress into your suitcase, or even stuff it in the overhead: it has to hang. Upon boarding, I discovered there were no closets. Uh-oh.

On any normal plane, this would have been a problem. But this was not any normal plane: it was a Southwest Airlines plane. Hearing of my plight, the pilot took the dress with him up to the cockpit, where it hung safely throughout the flight—and when I changed planes, the pilot on the second flight did exactly the same thing! For this issue, I got to talk with the person largely responsible for the extraordinary culture that led a team of highly trained commercial airliner pilots to serve as my wife’s valet for three thousand miles.

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1 Comment
Explorer C

What to do with my daughter's wedding gown that we are bringing to Arizona?? The agent on the phone told me there are no closets to hang it in. I do not want to buy an extra seat for it:(    I do not relish the thought of cramming it into the overhead bins. I DO want to bring it onboard and not send it in a box underneath the plane.