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All Cowed-up and Ready to Go

Frequent Flyer C

One of the things I love most about working for Southwest is that you can never really anticipate what exactly you’ll be doing from day to day. 

One day you can be called on to go over to Love Field to help escort Mikel Gorbachev through the airport (the best part was when something caught his eye at the Everything $10 Gift Shop) and then the next day be dripping sweat from counting and loading thousands of jars of peanut butter.  Over the years there have been countless times when I looked over at a Coworker and said, “Do you believe that we get paid to do this?”

The latest random event came courtesy of my newest Coworker, Catherine Lamb, who came over to my group from Flight Operations.  One day about a month ago, I was explaining to my cubemates that I was considering this my summer of random events—that I would be trying new things, and the more random the better.  This is when Catherine chimed in and said, “Well, tomorrow is Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-a, so how about joining me and some of my Flight Ops friends for lunch? We are dressing up like cows and getting a free combo meal!” 

I was floored—what a beautifully random addition to my summer.  Of course I would go. I mean who doesn’t love Chick-fil-a, much less FREE Chick-fil-a! 

So the next day Catherine and I headed over to Flight Ops to get all Cowed-up for lunch.  The girls had made me my very own cow costume out of felt and a disposable hazmat suit—it was adorable!  

Enroute to the restaurant, I learned that this is the second year that the Flight Ops girls have done this and that the manager of the Chick-fil-a we were going to was very excited about us coming.  And boy was he ever!

Once we got there, Chick-fil-a manager Scott Mayes gave us the V.I.C. (Very Important Cow) treatment.  He had reserved tables for our herd of 11 and brought us brownies and drink refills. 

Children and adults alike stared at us with amusement.  People asked to take their picture with us.  Everyone was curious about where we came from. Someone even asked if we were a sorority.  We responded with “Nope.  We’re from Southwest Airlines!”  The lady just laughed and said, “Of course you are … I love Southwest!”  We simply smiled and said, “So do we!”




This was an udderly moo-velous idea! I'm so glad to see you milked it for all it was worth! Can I go next year?
Aviator C
I think those cows were in a fowl humor.
Explorer C
It's such a relief to know that I'll be fully prepared in a Hazmat emergency, as the wearing of the suit will get me free food!
Explorer C
What a mooving experience, Millie. Hmm the last time I did something that fun/crazy here in Denver was, um ehr, at the encouragement of your marketing department during the launch/promo announcement of new flights. Was on a bench in the middle of downtown pedestrian mall lunchtime doing an improvised jingle why I like Southwest and flapping my arms like an airplane. Instead of chicken, a free ticket was the prize, one I'll use for a Thanksgiving trip (once I realized what a Green ticket was lol). Keep up the enthusiasm and energy -- what a shame that the other airlines don't "get" it from an operational or people standpoint the way you all do. I bet you're planning away for "Return of the Cows III," eh?
Explorer C
As I recall-- some of those same HAZMAT suits were repurposed last Halloween as Oompa Loompas! ReenieSR =^_^=
Frequent Flyer C
Ha--I remember those cute Oompa Loompas! It's amazing how many uses we can find for those HAZMAT suits! Millie Richter
Explorer C
Oh I love my Cows!!! I am going next year!
Explorer C
when are you going to fly into and out of ATLANTA???? it is about time we stop driving to birmingham PLEASE PLEASE bob rabin
Explorer C
Thank you for playing with us. I do not work at the unit who served you all on Cow Appreciation Day, but I would have loved to have seen such a large, energetic and playful herd. It looks like you were given our traditional heartfelt service. What joy it is to be part of companies where we can have so much fun! I am also a fan of Southwest. You guys are AMAZING!