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Southwest Airlines Community

Fresh Air Movement

Frequent Flyer B
[asset|aid=329|format=image|formatter=asset|title=RBRiPodLogoSmall_0.gif|width=180|height=179|resizable=true|align=right]Ever wonder how a wing works? Well, I did. I can say that in past tense because I asked Bob Sprague and recorded it for Red Belly Radio.  Bob is the Assistant Technical Pilot in our Flight Operations Department here at Southwest Airlines, and he explains in rather simple terms how a geometric shape (a wing) can enable us to fly through the air (in an airplane).  The short answer is “Lift” and should not be confused with our new onboard coffee—although the double-entendre is obvious.

Give this episode a listen and tell your friends—you never know it might help you with a physics test someday in your future!