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Southwest Airlines Community

Raising the Bar--SI One

Frequent Flyer C


Hello from LaGuardia Airport in New York City!  I just witnessed one of the coolest plane events ever!  We finally, after much speculation and anticipation, revealed the beautiful SI One.  This plane, N922WN, is wrapped with a temporary decal featuring the cover model, from the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. This definitely seals the deals on Southwest Airlines’ FUN and edgy factor! 

The cover model stepped off the plane and posed for pictures with our Pilots and Flight Attendants!  It is an absolutely beautiful plane, and hopefully you'll get to travel on this sometime soon!   Since my "Twiddles" left people guessing all day on Twitter , maybe now I need all our Bloggers and Twitter followers to send me their pics on SI One as it flies throughout the Southwest system!  Thanks to everyone that kept up with the Twiddles, I think the best detective was definitely Mike Sloane
I'm working on getting the official pics from our friends at Sports Illustrated and here are some pics that we took today.  In the meanwhile, post pictures in the comment section if you can!  See yall back in Dallas!

Be sure and follow Christi's Tweets from the airplane's next stop, Las Vegas.

Explorer C
Southwest, guess what? Women are not easy targets to exploit because you mismanaged your bottom line. You are sick people. All of you nitwits with empty lives who cheer this on like it's the resurrection of Christ are beyond losers. We will BOYCOTT Southwest. You should at least plaster male models on your planes if that's how pathetic you've become. Southwest is NO LONGER the cheapest airline. Fly VIRGIN AMERICA or any other airline. They are all having great deals. WOMEN YOU NEED TO SPEAK WITH YOUR POWERFUL WALLETS. BOYCOTT SOUTHWEST.
Explorer C
I must say, If i had looked as good as the picture on that plane then maybe Bill woulda left that intern alone.
Explorer C
This is so TASTELESS! I am a frequent flyer, but I will most definitely not be flying southwest anymore. Just what I want my young children looking at as we take a trip. Who approved this??? College guys or old perverts? Seriously....classless. Steffany — Wed, 03/04/2009 - 14:22 RE:YOU'RE A FATTY!!! ADMIT IT!!!
Explorer C
That is really sad.......How come the men always get to see bikini clad women all over the place? How come it's never a man in a speedo for the women? I'm sure most men would have a problem seeing a gorgeous man on the side of that plane. I won't fly Southwest anymore.
Explorer C
whats the big deal , I think its a kick ass plane
Explorer C
I'm liking that "hot bod" on the side I just hope it dosen't distract another pilot up there. m
Explorer C
I saw the story about some people being against S.W. "bikini" plane. I had to laugh. I would say this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard but with the internet being the free speech platform that it is, I will just say "how ignorant". She is in a bikini laying on the beach. Not in a over sexual way either. Was she suppose to be wearing a snow suit? For anyone who thinks this is outrageous must not go to the beach, read magazines, watch tv, go outside, and use a computer. People need to get over themselves. Unless I am mistaken I haven't seen to many people walkin around in hooped dresses lately. Stop being scared of the human body and scared of questions from your kids and maybe we can get a hold of the teen pregnancy problem.
Explorer C
THis is just fantastic PR. People need to lighten up.
Explorer C
Everyone needs to RELAX. Since when is a woman in a bathing suite offensive. I really hope that none of you EVER go to the beach or heaven-forbid a water park. Honestly, lets all stop being prudish conservatives for a moment and think about this rationally. This is a beautiful woman who makes a living off of... well, being gorgeous. She is lovely to look at, for men and women, and it is completely tasteful. I honestly hope that the parents on this board who are saying how "embarrassed they would be for their children to see this" grow up. I really hope that you don't teach your children to be ashamed of their bodies. And, please, do NOT attend any public swimming environments. You WILL be offended. There are MEN AND WOMEN in bathing suites there. You are warned! As for the scandal of the airline throwing a "scantily-clad" woman off of their flight about a year ago.. well, that it rather ironic and funny.
Explorer C
Kudos to you Southwest for not backing down on this issue! Its a girl in a swimsuit for goodness sake! You can see that anywhere! And frankly this is a better picture than a lot of women in swimsuits I see these days. She's beautiful and I think the promotion on the side of a plane is great. Its the new form of advertising! For you goody two shoes out there - when do you really get to see this plane? Its not like its driving down the road next to you. Again - congrats southwest for being the rebel that you are!
Explorer C
What were you thinking at Southwest..... why!!!!! You have FAMILIES who ride your airlines...... What a great role model for girls..... You too can grow up and take off your clothes!!! I really think you all BLEW IT !!!!! You can rename your airline.... perves will travel.!!!!
Explorer C
honestly folks, this is such a "small" thing to be in such a "big" uproar about. it isn't a naked person; it is shot tastefully. who cares? and if you do, fly with another carrier rather than be a hypocrite and travel with southwest just because the prices are "right". sheesh!
Explorer C
Sad, pathetic SWA. Good god - I don't even know what to say. I am embarrassed for you. Just think newlyweds going on their honeymoon - families taking a vacation to Disney, having to fly home for a funeral - all on this plan. What a great ad for your daughter - or son for that matter. I honestly am in SHOCK that you could be this ridiculous. NICE. Maybe you can reserve this plane for Frat parties ?
Explorer C
This plane was painted by an amazing company called Leading Edge Aviation and it looks amazing! This is a special plane and I hope I get to to take it on one of my next flights! I wish it was me painted on the side.
Explorer C
What were you thinking at Southwest..... why????? You have FAMILIES who ride your airlines...... What a great role model for girls..... You too can grow up and take off your clothes !!! You would NOT let passengers dress that way, but you plaster this all over your airline........
Explorer C
I think this is great. Anyone who complains is just jealous. And what does it matter...when you fly you hardly see the outside of the plane...if at all. And a two-piece bikini doesn't equal naked or nude. What is the difference between this and billboards that have men in underwear for CK??? NOTHING!!! Get over it people...grow up. I just wish it was on the inside of the plane so I could enjoy it during my flight. LOL
Explorer C
Thank you, SWA. I think everyone complaining needs to lighten up. What you're seeing on the side of this aircraft is no more shocking than what you'd see at the beach. Families go to beaches too don't they???
Explorer C
PS - to all those people threatening to NOT fly Southwest...GO AHEAD!!! Southwest is usually the cheapest option when flying (without hidden charges as well). So if you are so offended you are willing to spend extra money to not fly Southwest...GO AHEAD!!! Leave the affordable flights to those who don't care and actually enjoy the new art work.
Explorer C
Well, I was on southwest and singled out for being fat. I was made to buy another ticket. 2 men on the plane, who were a foot taller and a foot wider than me, were not harassed into purchasing another ticket. I was told I would bother the other passenger sitting next to me. Turns out that was my husband who was 4'11 and weight 109 pounds.( He doesn’t mind sitting next to me.) I guess you just want women that look like this to fly your airline. Good for you and good luck. It is your plane. God knows I will never have to look at it, because I will never fly southwest again.
Explorer C
Way to go SWA ..I find this to be in very good taste. Don't let the haters stop you all from doing your thing.
Explorer C
It's tacky, class-less, and offensive. I would not want to be pushed into explaining THIS to my child as we board the plane.
Explorer C
Two points that don't come through most of the other postings. First: how much was Southwest paid by SI for this? Or earned in some kind of barter deal? It's somewhat naive to try and spin the public that this is just a publicity stunt when all of these arrangements nowadays involve $$$. And since the airline industry is suffering, it's ok to decide that you want to bring in revenue by pasting some boobs and another company's logo on your plane. That being said, is it insulting to women? It sure is. Unless SW Two has a buff nearly-naked guy in a Speedo painted on its side as well, this idea isn't "fun and edgy." It's sexist. It's cheap. It's catering to the lowest common denominator for a buck. And it speaks volumes to those of us professional women who fly frequently and who are the decision-makers as to airline choices. I don't have a problem with SI's annual T&A issue; I just don't buy it. I don't have a problem with Victoria's Secret TV lingerie fests; I just don't watch it or buy their products. I've been told that Hooters makes a great chicken salad, but I won't ever be eating it. They've all defined their audiences and they have chosen to exclude me. When it comes to these companies, I go elsewhere. I hope Southwest made a lot of money from SI, because it won't be getting mine in the future.
Explorer C
I actually do not see an issue with SW promoting SI in this fashion. Too many people in this country are wound way too tight. It is not like Bar is naked. I guess all those that have an issue with this must also complain about all the bikin clad persons on every beach and at every pool. People you need to get a life and stop fretting about what other people do. Relax a little and if your that upset, then go exercise and eat healthy, that way there would not be all the envy over models, also it would eliminate alot of fat americans.
Explorer C
I don't know if I could say it any better than Bart did so I will just repost what he said. To all you sexually repressed, hayseed Republicans who are offended by the sight of a beautiful woman, please go back to your basements listening to Rush Limbaugh and having sexual fantasies over Man Coulter and her bulging adam's apple. Bart — Wed, 03/04/2009 - 14:04 Just out of curiosity how many of you women on this blog that posted negitively are overweight and will never achieve a perfectly heatlhy body type such as bar's? To the posters that are saying she is unhealthy I would recommend a trip to the optometrist, I am not a proffesional but something is obviously wrong with your eyesight. As far as kids are concerned, if you actually did get too see the side of the plane before boarding they would likely glance at it and then continue doing whatever they were doing. Most kids could care less. When you go to the beach or a pool and there is an attractive woman in a bikini do your kids stare at her the whole time? I am sorry but I think we have far more things to worry about than a COVERED up woman on the side of a plane, I say covered becuase she is indeed covered and when people say her bikini is tiny I think of all the woman I have dropped jaw to with much much smaller bikinis than that. I could keep going but whats the point, I don't normally post but this is just hilarious that people spend their time worrying about these sort of things.
Explorer C
Kinda weird to have a girl in a bikini on the plane. Maybe they should do a plane with a good looking guy on it to balance things out. 😉
Explorer C
What the...???? I don't understand what the big deal is. How often do you actually look at the outside of the stupid plane? Now, if they had her plastered on the inside of the plane looking down at you.... yeah I would probably be creeped out by that, but the picture is on the outside of the plane. Unless it affects the performance of the plane, who's it really harming? Seriously. If it truly offends thee eyes and conscience so terribly, fly with another airline.
Explorer C
One more reason why Southwest is AWESOME.
Explorer C
Explorer C
This is for those of you who seem to have a problem with this you think it's tacky and all the other crap? and how dare southwest allow such advertisements? you are perfectly intittled to you opinion but come on really? are you going to go to every store that sells or advertises for the famous bikini issue and complain about them having those you wont because that would be stupid! so how stupid is it to throw a fit about how southwest chooses to don't like it don'e fly with them...but it's dumb to spend your time complaining about something so's not like the women is don't want you children and grandparents bla bla bla seeing that? do you keep them from going to the beach, or the water parks, or for that matter keep them from watching tv or keep them away from the magazine isle at the you don't...and if you do you have your issues and don't make them other peoples issues! get over yourself and find something better to with your time...cause chances are if you do have a child they will see images like that whether they are on a plane or not!
Explorer C
What a joke ... "offensive", "tacky", "terrified", "porn" ... this is American people. If this is tacky and offensive then you can all assure us that you do not go to the beach or a pool for that matter. Furthermore ... those with daughters ... will you keep them in a one piece swimming suit with shorts on while they swim so as to not be "offensive" or "tacky" because clearly that also equals "porn". Seriously ... who cares what is on the side of the plane. It's a business and if you don't like it go fly on a boring, less offensive, and non-tacky plane to give your conscious a break ... at least you won't be seen through the tiny windows and have people think you are involved in porn. Those who object clearly have some underlying issues with what this country was built on. Get a grip.
Explorer C
Explorer C
I can't help but laugh at some of the ridiculous, uptight comments I scrolled through on this page. I am a 37-year old college educated woman who works in a professional environment (as if any of that is germane) and there is nothing offensive, frightening, embarrassing, humiliating or disrespectful about a woman in a bathing suit. It's an advertisement, designed to get attention, and that's precisely what it's done. Why the attention by some is so negative is beyond me. I am starting to become very concerned that there seems to be a general consensus developing in our society that all things have to be PC and/or appeal to all people and that anyone who doesn't like something has the right to change it to their liking, or have it eradicated. Get over yourself -- you may be able to impose your puritanical views on your own children, but you can't force them on me or mine. You only live once, people -- lighten up and don't waste your time fretting over a bikini-clad model on a plane. And while I have no objection to, say, featuring a female athlete hoisting a trophy in a similar context, I do not agree that it would have been a more appropriate image than the one used in the current campaign. Not everything has to be serious or serve an educational purpose!
Explorer C
Face it. Even if you are offended, you're not going to stop flying Southwest. You can't beat their customer service, prices, and uncanny ability to avoid delays and cancellations. I was in route to Philadelphia one evening and we had to make an emergency landing in Baltimore because of some problem with the plane. I figured I'd be stuck in Baltimore for God knows how long, at least overnight, but once we landed Southwest already had a plane ready waiting for us. We just landed, walked to the specified gate and got on our new plane. I was only 1/2 hour late to my destination. Bravo Southwest!
Explorer C
Love the new Plane. Do not bend to public pressure. Keep up the good work and keep the plane flying.
Explorer C
The women that are screaming (colohiker) on here about: "Guys, if you can't understand how humiliating these images can be that's ok. But why not respect women more and not do something so in your face. Can you imaging a business woman getting on that plane with her coworkers? Or the parents of a little girl? At t best you feel akward and embarressed. Badly done Southwest." You do realize that this is a WOMAN on the plane right! She did do this willingly as I doubt someone forced her in to getting paid for the advertisement. Further ... she probably reached her climactic goal as a swimsuit model in being on the cover of SI! This is likely the cherry on top. And yes I can imagine a woman getting on a plan with coworkers ... they won't even be able to see the image as they will be in the plan, for starters, but if you are on a different plane I doubt they look to the woman next to them and think anything other than an SI model on the cover of the magazine that is now on a plane. Get real people, com'on!
Explorer C
Pot meet Kettle. You kick a girl with 3x's as many clothes off your plane because she's indecent. Then you wrap a 747 with a chic wearing triangle pasties and just enough to cover her *bits*. Not hypocritical at all. At all. I just want to say that although price is the biggest factor when I chose to fly, things like this will make me reconsider if I have other options. Kick a breastfeeding mom off your planes and I will drive before I fly your line. Good day.
Explorer C
Jesus, what is wrong with you people? She is in a swim suit! If you get offended by seeing a girl in a swim suit...then maybe it's because you are fat and/or ugly and have self-esteem issues. I have 2 young daughters and I could care less if they see that plane. We go to the beach every weekend so they are accustomed to seeing women in swim suits. All you are doing is giving Southwest that much more publicity. Thank you. I honestly don't think this marketing campaign will hurt Southwest one bit. Unless all you holier than thous are willing to pay a much higher airfare elsewhere just to show Southwest who's boss. In this economy I doubt anyone is willing to pay more on another airline. I love Southwest because of their low prices as I'm sure everyone else does too. GREAT JOB, SOUTHWEST! I only wish I had to travel just so I could fly on that plane. That would be quite a story to tell. 🙂
Explorer C
I normally fly Southwest when I can, but now I might just have to fly another airline. I can't believe you would promote a magazine that has models dressed scantily clad, raunchy, and in a provacative way. She might as well be naked! Just imagine that being your daughter or something and all kinds of guys around the world lusting after her in their minds?
Explorer C
Just so tasteless. Of all the companies and things you could advertise on your planes, you choose a half naked woman? Yes, she's covered, but not exactly a family friendly advertisement. I'll think twice before choosing southwest in the future.
Explorer C
A lot of people use the term ' I will never fly Southwest again' loosely.... GOOD luck to all those who will boycott us..... The decal on the side of the plane will vanish but not our legandary customer service and great safety record... Some will come back when they realize how good our service is compared to what they are about to get themselves into.....
Explorer C
It is really starting to make me laugh reading these comments. It's those in favor of the plane that are being the nastiest and doing the most name calling. For the record, I am 50 years old, have been married to the same guy for almost 30 years. I am definitely not a prude, have travelled to nude &/or topless beaches, I enjoy wearing my VS undergarments and find no problem with people dressing how they wish in the proper surroundings. However - I am NOT in favor of this plane. It is an inappropriate venue for the SI picture. And for SWA - of all people - to promote the picture is hypocrisy at it's best. Maybe we should all fly SWA wearing our bathing suits next time, lol!
Explorer C
Great marketing move Its well done and tasteful. And who man or woman wouldn't want look at Bar
Explorer C
As a long-term fan, I'm embarrassed by the decision of Southwest Airlines to display a swim suit model on the aircraft. It may have raised a lot of revenue (?) but at the cost of its professional, family-oriented, and generally well-respected image. A sense of humor and flying with fun is fantastic, but this decision was in very poor taste. Counting the days until it's gone....
Explorer C
Wow, what a disappointment, SWA. I would not have expected this from SWA. For what purpose do you expose us and our families to sexual images? Why a near-naked woman in a bikini? It couldn't have been a football player? A clothed athlete? Which immature degenerate at SWA approved this?? What's next? A man bulging out of his Speedos? Why further sexually desensitize the American people? I will not fly SWA anymore. Our culture is in a sad tailspin.
Explorer C
Wasn't it not that long ago that Southwest employees were so offended by a woman who was wearing a miniskirt that they threw her off of the plane? So I assume that this means that women can now fly in their underwear?
Explorer C
I guess we all have to sell out some time. Just think of all the money that Sports Illustrated gave them. I wonder when the next Male Model with be on a Jet. Oh ya I guess all the MEN at Southwest air lines might not vote on that plan. I guess i girl(South west) got to do what a girls got to do! Fly JETblue
Explorer C
I wonder how many people will refuse to ride this pantie plane. I know i wouldn't get could dead boarding that plane
Explorer C
Wow. Absolutely classless. I thought Southwest was better than this. This makes me think differently about the entire company -- and whether or not I want to fly it again in the future. Who on earth thought this was a good idea?
Explorer C
This is the MOST ridiculous thing I have ever heard!! You people are going to stop saving money because you're insecure about an amazing looking woman in a bathing suit, really? That is ludicris! And to the lady that said SI is for the dirty perverted men to look at....have you ever opened a SI mag? Obviously not, since it is called Sports Illustrated, guess what you find inside?....wait for it......SPORTS!!! Whoa, slow down let me give you a minute...ok. Now what is the big damn deal? I bet half of your kids right now are sitting at the babysitters watching an episode of Days of Our Lives as we speak, and we all know what kind of stuff goes on on soap operas now. Which is worse? Grow up and get over all of this ignorance! I personally have flown SW only twice and I loved it....great company....please get a life people...
Explorer C
This is a great plane, good idea, very original. Don't let all the old women who look for any reason to complain lead you to take this down: Everybody needs to get a life and move on.