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Southwest Airlines Community

Summer’s Here! Get Your Beauty on the Fly

Adventurer A

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Beginning today and running for two weeks, Southwest Airlines is partnering with Benefit Cosmetics for a summer Beauty on the Fly giveaway to help you stay comfortable and fresh-looking in flight.  You know that Bags Fly Free on Southwest, so let us help you stuff your bags with Benefit Cosmetics swag!

Here's what's going on:

Starting today through July 4, four lucky Customers (this could be you!) will have the chance to win roundtrip tickets on Southwest and Benefit Cosmetics gift certificates.  All you have to do is complete an online entry form here and check out the Beauty on the Fly web site starring our very own Flight Attendants.  Plus, just for entering, you’ll receive an exclusive offer from Benefit Cosmetics.

So, don't miss out on getting your beauty on the fly while traveling on your and your bags’ favorite airline--Southwest.  Read up on the rules and regulations, and don't pass up your chance to win fabulous prizes this summer!
Explorer C
Exclusive offer for entering?!?!? How come I didn't get a special offer??!?!?!?
Explorer C
let's go for it.. i am interested!
Explorer C
Love to try new cosmetics! What a neat idea!
Explorer C
What a great idea - it's nice to try new makeup!
Explorer C
What a good idea to introduce your product!
Explorer C