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Got rejected again

Explorer A

I just checked my email this morning and read my email stated that they are interested another candidates. While I am happy for the other candidates, I feel like my dream job is slipping through my fingers. 😥 I don't know what else to do. Help?Suggestions?


Re: Got rejected again

Explorer B

I'm sorry that you got disappointing news. I know it must hurt very much right now.  Your best bet after all the application craziness goes down, is to consult SWA hiring team. They may be able to give you insights on how you & your resume can make a bolder impression.  Search the internet too specifically for FA job hints.  As a fellow applicant I'm in no position to be of any authority ....especially since I don't know your background  however I'll offer that I have ordered the books  Nuts and  The Southwest Way.  I hope to learn even more about the company ideals and history and it will probably give us both a better understanding of the type of person that will fit in their culture.

Big Fellow FA Hopeful Hug for you this morning...... Bridget

Re: Got rejected again

Explorer A

Thank you for your kind words. 

Re: Got rejected again

Explorer C

My Dear Bella,   I'm not yet a Southwest Family Member, but I would like to say this and that is...   If I could empower you to continue to follow your dreams, don't give up.  Everything happens in life at the right time.   Wishing you Luck... Carol