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Southwest Airlines Community

Internal Flight Attendant Position

Explorer C

I feel like it’s been a year since we’ve had an internal flight attendant position opening, and I’m wondering when that will open again. I've had on alerts and everything. They say they hire internally first but they just finished hiring a ton of External first with no internal bid insight. Am I missing something? When will the next Internal Flight Attendant position open up?


Re: Internal Flight Attendant Position

Aviator C

This is a customer-to-customer forum, so most folks won't have the info. But good luck! 

Community Champion | PHL based | ex-Companion Pass Holder | Southwest Passenger

Re: Internal Flight Attendant Position


Hey there, @Jade_M!

Thanks so much for reaching out! While we posted the Flight Attendant position for Internal Candidates last November, we don't have a set timeline as to when it will open in the future just yet! Keep an eye on internal communication channels for an update as soon as it's available. Fingers crossed you can see your career take to the skies soon!