@jksobonya wrote: Cancelled flights - they happen. Especially in the middle of a pandemic when few things are guaranteed. It's possible that you can get to your final destination via a different connection path and not wait 2 days, but you'd have to talk to a Southwest rep either at the airport or via one of the contact methods to see what is possible. --Jessica LOL Funny how you think that a fake pandemic has to do with it and NOT government lockdowns/restrictions
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11:14 AM
11:14 AM
@TheMiddleSeat wrote: Information about digital passes that are accepted can be found here https://www.hawaii-guide.com/hawaii-travel-restrictions Governor is also asking tourists to not travel to Hawaii. --TheMiddleSeat I highly doubt that the governor is asking tourists not to travel to Hawaii since Hawaii is dependent on tourist money. All the famous Youtube vloggers and TikTokers have been to Hawaii this year and testing was the only issue for them. So if this guy has his vaccine records, then there's no reason he shouldn't go since the process would be even easier.
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11:11 AM
11:11 AM
@chgoflyer wrote: @gsking wrote: This is interesting. They managed since November just testing people. Now, they started letting in vaccinated people without getting tested. And now cases are spiking so badly they don't want people to come anymore. And yet so many people here are frothing at the mouth that if flight attendants don't get vaccinated, the world will end. Do you people understand how naive and illogical you look? So, obviously, you're conflating things that have no connection. And exaggerating what others are saying. And again you're making illogical conclusions. Hawaii's current covid crisis is primarily among unvaccinated residents. It's estimated that only 1%-2% is caused by tourism. Letting vaccinated tourists in did not lead to the increase in covid cases. Unfortunately, Hawaii is under a lot of stress right now, from multiple directions. The state is struggling with staffing issues (as is happening in many places). Maui has freshwater shortage issues. Tourists are causing problems with major roadways. There are supply chain issues affecting places like restaurants and bars. And most importantly, the covid surge triggered by delta + unvaccinated is causing ICUs to fill up. The governor has asked tourists to postpone trips as a way of reducing some of that stress. When people suggest that Southwest mandate vaccination for employees (admittedly not all people, some are misguided), it's as an effort to reduce the spread of delta. It isn't about me worrying that a flight attendant will infect me. Southwest's employees represent a large number of various positions, flight attendants only represent a small portion. Mandated vaccination would reduce potential delta spread. And right now, the US should be doing everything it can to reduce the spread if we're ever truly going to get back to "normal." I'll note, as I've said before, that it's very unlikely Southwest will ever have a vaccine mandate, because politics. Any mandate would put them afoul of Texas governor Greg Abbott. They've currently been using employee incentives to help raise vaccination rates, I suspect they'll move to disincentives at some point, along the lines of what Delta just announced. Maybe they wouldn't be struggling with staffing issues if they didn't force employees to wear masks or get tested. And I highly doubt Hawaii is "stressed" the same way NYC and Vegas are. It's kind of hard to be "stressed" when you're outside in a tropical paradise. Plus, Southwest just announced a vaccine mandate, so all the paranoia about avoiding Hawaii sounds like elitist propaganda. People just want to claim Hawaii for themselves, that's all.
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11:01 AM
11:01 AM
According to a few news articles, it seems that Southwest has "mandated" the vaccine for employees. So your request has been granted. Funny how they're willing to give their employees religious and medical exemptions, yet any passenger wanting a simple mask exemption for their two year old child on a Southwest flight has to get their child TESTED (with that toxic PCR or antigen swab up their nose), has to have their medical exemption verified by a third party, and can only fly maskless on flights less than 50% capacity. Southwest treats their employees like kings and queens, while they treat paying customers worse than dogs. I've long said that the only redeeming quality they have is that they allow us to choose our own seat.
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10:57 AM
10:57 AM
@jksobonya wrote: IMO, this is a hot topic and everyone is going to have an opinion about it. As for me personally, I don't think mandating this particular vaccine at a company level is going to solve anything in regards to stopping the spread since vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus just like unvaccinated people can, albeit the "symptoms" for a vaccinated person will be "less severe" - but what people fail to realize is that for most, symptoms have been "less severe" from the very beginning. People now attribute less severe symptoms to being vaccinated, but 1 in 5 people who caught COVID in 2020 pre-vax had no symptoms at all (that's 20% of *all* people who got the virus) and the vast majority of the remaining have had mild to moderate symptoms. As I predicted, COVID is turning out to be more and more like the flu and it should be treated as such. We don't mandate flu vaccines, but many companies recommend getting one each winter season and they can be obtained for free through many healthcare providers with insurance. COVID should be the same. It shouldn't be mandated, but it can be recommended and those who feel they need it can get it. And we move on with life. --Jessica If only you folks had felt that way about masking. It's funny...if we use your logic, vaccines can only be recommended, but masks HAVE to be forced even on two year old children with disabilities. The bottom line is that it was never going to just end at masking. I know that flight attendants, gate agents, and even ramp employees enjoyed the power trip of enforcing mask mandates, but if they weren't aware that vaccine mandates would follow the masking, then that's their fault. They sure aren't getting any sympathy from me
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@dfwskier wrote:
Too bad we will not hear the employee's side of the story.
There are at lest 2 sides to every story.
If only the media believed in listening to both sides of the story. Whenever an incident on-board a flight makes the news, the media defames the passenger by referring to him or her as "unruly" and assumes that the flight attendants were in the right.
I'm all for hearing both sides of the story, but always giving the flight attendants the benefit of the doubt is dishonest.
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07:04 PM
07:04 PM
@jksobonya wrote: I stopped reading for comprehension when I got to the part where your flight was 35% full. This happened in July of 2021? I don’t believe it. I would believe July 2020. Maybe this flight experience is a year old … But that aside, you have to wear your mask at all times except eating or drinking and they encourage not taking your mask completely off. I don’t like it either. Ironically, I was just in Vegas for 3 days. I am flying home right now on a MAX. No mask requirements anywhere in Vegas anymore. Saw 3 sold out shows each night (no distancing, packed rows of people) with over 1500 in attendance. A handful wear masks still, and many workers do, but the public does not. But as soon as you enter the airport, 100% masks. Flights with less than 200 people? 100% masks. It’s gotten silly now, but that’s just my opinion. Rules are rules and there is nothing any of us can do about it. —Jessica Actually, there's PLENTY you can do about it. Never heard of civil disobedience? As an example, segregation used to exist here in the U.S. and many (like yourself) said that "rules were rules" and that there was "nothing" anyone could do about it. Well, guess what? Civil disobedience led to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and over fifty years later, the U.S. is almost unrecognizable to someone who lived during the Jim Crow era. Of course, you could complain and pretend as if imaginary rules regarding masking are set in stone, but complaining won't solve anything and pretending as if there's nothing anyone can do about it is dishonest.
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05:44 PM
05:44 PM
And no, they don't have the right to enforce unlawful edicts. The FAA could demand that all passengers be made to sample heroin for entry, it still wouldn't make it legal. The idea that airlines are "private" is also debatable since the private ownership of the airlines is a mere illusion. In practice, they're controlled by the State and even received BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars as part of some "relief package" last spring. "Just following orders" was determined to be an INVALID excuse during the Nuremberg Trials. Airlines can certainly set rules about not using the bathroom while the plane is taking off or fastening one's seat belt; they can't, however, demand that we wear medical devices if we want to fly to our destination.
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05:40 PM
05:40 PM
Rules have to be within the scope of the law. Demanding that customers smother themselves with a medical device (aka face mask) is unlawful as it constitutes practicing medicine without a license. Private property rights are not absolute. You could make the case that they SHOULD be absolute (which I don't necessarily disagree with), but that's not how it currently works.
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02:16 PM
02:16 PM
I'm all for following the rules, but the LAW overrides Southwest policy. Southwest cannot demand that passengers wear medical devices on their faces. They aren't licensed to practice medicine. And basing some whimsical policy on a random executive order isn't how you law is made. Only Congress can make laws. Until there is an actual codified statute EXPLICITLY stating that 2 year olds be forced to wear face masks, bringing up the old "following rules" platitude is senseless.
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02:13 PM
02:13 PM
I'd have to disagree. Rude flight attendants and Southwest Airlines have always gone together like peanut butter and jelly. The former CEO even banned an old lady from Southwest because she (rightfully) complained about how cramped the seats were. So as you can see, the ONLY reason why we still fly Southwest is because a) We get to choose our own seats. b) It's usually (slightly) cheaper than flying Delta or Alaskan Airlines. However, you still used to encounter pleasant flight attendants UNTIL the whole masking issue began. That's when the flight attendants decided to go on power trips and abuse paying customers along with their children. What type of a lunatic demands that a mother force a medical device on her 2 year old? And how is it the flight attendant's business? Assuming the other posters on here aren't paid shills, they seem to lack a soul.
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02:08 PM
02:08 PM
I did re-read her post. The whole issue began BECAUSE the two year old child wasn't wearing a medical device (aka face mask). So it was the flight attendants who initiated the confrontation, not the mother. And Southwest policy does not override the law of the land. Fact of the matter is that UNLESS one is licensed to practice medicine, they cannot demand that a mother force a medical device on her 2 year old baby. Are you even aware of what masking does to a child that young? Southwest could demand that ALL passengers sample heroin if they want to fly to their destination, but any whimsical policy they come up with does not override the law. I appreciate a good debate, but being dishonest and lying about the mother initiating the confrontation doesn't help your argument.
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02:04 PM
02:04 PM
The mask mandate is based on an executive order, not an actual regulation. Did you know that pilots aren't required to wear face masks while in the flight deck? They only put it on when interacting with flight attendants or passengers. If true, then it shows that Southwest cares more for its pilots than the 2 year old children of paying customers. Pilots can be replaced via automation (as they likely will be within a couple decades); children, however, cannot. But Southwest gate agents and flight attendants (and shockingly, many customers!) have no regard for the law or human life. What this poor mother is saying is that she was booted off BECAUSE she politely declined that her 2 year old be smothered with a medical device (face mask). And yes, masking children that young can result in death if not permanent lung injury. But again, it's a moot point because Southwest does not care for human life; they don't even care for customer revenue either. Why would they when they keep receiving taxpayer dollars and newly printed money from the Federal Reserve?
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01:58 PM
01:58 PM
The "quarantine" you mentioned is based on executive order, not codified statute. So please do tell how I encourage anyone to "break the laws" when neither mask mandates nor quarantine measures are a part of established law. I mean, if you desire mandatory quarantine to be made a part of Hawaii state law, then contact your local representative (assuming you live in HI). Simply demanding that the governor dictate the health of the masses isn't how law is made in this country.
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01:55 PM
01:55 PM
Shoes and shirts are considered to be normal social etiquette; face masks, on the other hand, are medical devices. That's why Southwest has no authority to demand that we customers smother ourselves with those medical devices as no one at Southwest is licensed to practice medicine. Not to mention, even practicing physicians cannot DEMAND that their clients wear face masks; they can at best prescribe them. If you disagree with the fact that a face mask is a medical device, then take it up with the FDA.
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01:52 PM
01:52 PM
Not sure about the purpose behind your smarmy "rant." Southwest is already one of the worst airlines when it comes to forcing paying customers to smother themselves with medical devices (face masks). The flight attendants, gate agents, and even some ramp workers who work here are some of the most hypocritical people on the face of this planet. They'll deny you boarding for not social distancing, yet they themselves HUG each other in the gate (you often see this while waiting for your flight). Another classic case of rules for thee, but not for me. I'm not sure how "bully passengers" applies here when passengers have no power. The U.S. government steals our money through taxation and gives it to criminal corporations like airlines. EVERYONE could boycott Southwest today...and it would still be in business because the Federal Reserve keeps printing money and giving it back to the airlines. The ostensible "private ownership" of Southwest is a mere illusion. The ONLY reason I fly Southwest is because they allow you to choose your own seat; that's about it. Other than that, none of the employees have any redeeming qualities.
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01:45 PM
01:45 PM
Actually, what that gate agent did constitutes practicing medicine without a license. Forcing a medical device (face mask) on a 3 year old child isn't just unethical, it's a CRIME in all 50 states. Even practicing physicians cannot force their clients to wear medical devices -- they can, at best, prescribe them.
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09:52 PM
09:52 PM
Correction *Air Carrier Access Act* In any case, Southwest's lawyers are corrupt. I stated in my last paragraphs that it was impossible to sue them because they're controlled by the government and receive whatever hard-earned tax money I'm forced to pay. The only way to ensure that Southwest apologizes for their crimes against humanity is through either a boycott or a class-action lawsuit. In any case, they can do whatever they want. But that won't change the laws already on the book. It won't invalidate the Nuremberg Code. And it won't change the fact that everything I stated (except for the "ADA" typo, should have said Air Carrier Access Act) is 100% valid.
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06:36 PM
06:36 PM
And I have to add...if you've ever eaten at a Cincinnati or Columbus (Ohio) Applebee's, you know how bad the service is and how rude the waitresses are. So yeah, Southwest is really not doing a great job of customer satisfaction. I would never hire any of the flight attendants to wait tables at my restaurants. They just don't have the right attitude.
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06:33 PM
06:33 PM
If it was incorrect, you would have provided a logical rebuttal...which I don't see. And calling people "trolls" is ad hominem, not a logical refutation. In any case, what I stated is correct. "Just doing my job" didn't work for the SS soldiers during World War II, and it won't work for flight attendants either. Why? Because we all have to follow the law. It's part of living in a civilized society.
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06:29 PM
06:29 PM
Hi all, I was taking a look at the process outlined on the Southwest Airlines website about how one could go about securing a medical exemption to face masks. I was shocked to see the following.... 1) One must need to be TESTED before applying for an exemption. Why should I have to be tested for a "virus" which has never been isolated and is based on nothing more than predictive computer-generated RNA sequences? Forcing us to get tested if we want to get a medical exemption is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. 2) Why should flights have to be less than 75% full? Even kindergartners understand that "viruses" aren't smart enough to distinguish between 100% full flights and 75% flights. Funny how our shoulders are roughly six inches from the passenger next to us. Does the virus somehow NOT infect us even though we're cramped together on-board like sardines? 3) Why do we need a doctor's note? The ONLY valid exemption to face masks is that we are human and need oxygen. No doctor's note necessary. 4) Why does Southwest Airlines get to choose this "third party" medical provider? Especially an allopathic one like StatMD which spreads disinformation? You guys are breaking the law by making it impossible for us to obtain medical exemptions. You are violating the Nuremberg Code. I'm tired of being treated worse than a dog. Even dogs aren't forced to wear face masks, yet PAYING customers like myself am. The worst part about all this is that PILOTS aren't even required to wear face masks. If this is true, then it makes any claim about "precautionary measures" complete BS. I've also seen flight attendants HUG each other at the end of flights. Why are they allowed to embrace each other and violate social distancing requirements, yet if we passengers hug each other on-board...we get kicked off and charged with disorderly conduct? Huh? In any case, I know that it's impossible to hold Southwest responsible in civil or criminal court because the FAA supports your every move, but there will come a point where people will just stop flying. If you want people to stop flying, then fine. But at least be honest and don't pretend to care about customers. If I treated MY customers as badly as Southwest treats their customers, I would have had to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy a long time ago. I'm a restaurant owner and so I've been in customer service for years. It saddens me to say that I've received BETTER service in inner-city Applebee restaurants than I have on Southwest flights since the scam-demic began.
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06:11 PM
06:11 PM
The only reason why anyone would choose to be a flight attendant at this time would be to harass customers about wearing masks. Unfortunately for you, I am not aware if Southwest is hiring at this point in time as they have more than enough power trippers on-board.
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06:09 PM
06:09 PM
Make sure you get the flight attendants' names. Sue them personally. Here in America, it is illegal to practice medicine without a license. Because face masks are MEDICAL DEVICES, they cannot be required on-board because neither pilots nor flight attendants are licensed to practice medicine. It's about time that flight attendants learn their place. Their job is to SERVE the customer...not harass us. The customer is always right. If they don't like it, don't work in customer service. As simple as that. And please...if you want people to side with you, don't refer to police officers as security guards. Security guards have no authority to remove anyone from the flight. Only airport police do.
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04:21 AM
Actually, my advice is that because the Hawaiian "10 day quarantine" edict isn't an actual law, there is absolutely no reason to submit to COVID testing as it's neither state law nor is Southwest Airlines requiring it. So by opting out, the original poster is NOT breaking Southwest policy.
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04:12 AM
04:12 AM
@PDFelter wrote: @PetertheProphet I was not dishonest in my post. We had no issues with anything. I probably could have added "we did not contract Covid on any of our 4 flights". Again, if the original poster had a problem with flying during these times, they need to find a different mode of transportation then. I personally feel it is safe to fly at this time. We both have our opinions and we both need to do what is right for ourselves. Are we to close the business permanently because of a virus? That is what will happen if we shut down until the virus is over (hint - it isn't going away, just like the flu, colds, etc.) TO this comment that I "willfully left out the fact that Southwest Airlines requires all passengers to wear face masks". No I didn't leave it out. It is understood by all who fly that they require all passengers to wear face masks. They post it everywhere, so I didn't feel the need to say it again. You have no grounds to criticize the lockdowns if you are on board with the unlawful mask mandate. And the second part of your comment (see bold) is untrue. There was a time when Southwest Airlines allowed exemptions; they no longer do so.
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02:01 AM
You said: "Look, you can't just "opt out" of testing. Your suggestion to the original poster would lead them to either be denied boarding or denied entry into Hawaii, therefore it is inaccurate, misleading, and not appropriate to post." Not necessarily true. Unless you have information to the contrary, I do not believe Southwest Airlines forces passengers flying to Hawaii to get tested. In fact, the reason why passengers flying to HI choose to get tested (with the hope of a "negative" test result) is to avoid the "mandatory" ten-day quarantine imposed by the State of Hawaii. If by chance I'm incorrect in this regard and Southwest Airlines does in fact require all passengers flying to the State of Hawaii to get tested, I apologize. However, that doesn't seem to be the case here. So if the original poster chooses to opt out of testing, he/she wouldn't be violating Southwest rules. At worst, he/she would be breaking an unconstitutional edict (NOT law) issued by the Hawaiian governor. You then said: "However, until you or someone else takes that claim to court there is no opt out and no alternative to the stated requirement." If we were discussing something like the mask mandate currently imposed on airline passengers, then yes, you would be correct. However, the topic of discussion regards COVID-19 testing for passengers flying to Hawaii. Unless I'm wrong (which I don't think I am), it isn't Southwest which is forcing passengers to get tested. Even the State of Hawaii isn't forcing passengers to get tested. The reason why passengers choose to get tested (with the hope of a "negative" test result) is to avoid having to quarantine themselves for ten days once they reach the islands. You then said: "There is a legal system and process in this country designed to handle debates and one cannot attempt to get around the rules by just saying the rules are not valid." Yes, there is a legal system and process in this country designed to handle such issues and I would agree with you if we were discussing something like the mask policy or testing with regards to international travel. But as of now, Southwest isn't forcing passengers flying to Hawaii to get tested. Rather, passengers flying to Hawaii are choosing to get tested to avoid having to "self-quarantine" for ten days. "Do you actually think a traveler can just show up at the airport and start citing the Air Carrier Access Act and expect to be allowed on the plane?" One traveler? Of course not. But numbers matter. And if everyone decides to stand up for themselves, what are they going to do? Refuse to let everyone board? Again, notice how I specifically used the word recommend when I advised the original poster to opt out of testing. Based on my knowledge of current procedure with regards to domestic flights to Hawaii, I knew that it was the State of Hawaii requiring "negative" test results to bypass the ten-day quarantine. It wasn't Southwest Airlines which was doing so. However, if it is in fact Southwest Airlines requiring domestic passengers flying to Hawaii to not only get tested but also show NEGATIVE test results, then I retract my comment.
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11:29 PM
I think you should look in the mirror because nothing I said was either dishonest or inaccurate. In fact, if I wanted to be dishonest, I would pretend as if there weren't any alternative solutions to the issue raised by the original poster. However, because I'm honest and believe in individual volition, I felt it my duty (as a fellow customer) to present all possible options. If you believe that what I said was inaccurate, then feel free to provide evidence proving me wrong. Simply name-calling and flagging posts, however, doesn't help anyone and violates the forum's rules.
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10:47 PM
Flagged and reported back for targeted harassment. You have the freedom to disagree, but hurling ad hominem and abusing the flagging feature is a violation of this community's guidelines. Please read the rules of this forum. I'm willing to have a civil, polite discussion with you, but you have to do your part and show me the same respect that I'm showing you.
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10:34 PM
I recommend opting out of getting tested. Even if you're flying to Hawaii, you can use the Air Carrier Access Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the 4th amendment, and the 14th amendment in your favor. Southwest cannot make you get tested, and neither can the State of Hawaii.
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10:18 PM
10:18 PM
@PDFelter wrote: Sorry your 3 friends contracted Covid. But I'd take those odds anytime! 3 out of the how many thousands of flight attendants on how many flights? I just flew 4 flights with my husband over the last month. No issues. Covid numbers are dropping significantly every day. Maybe now because the actual cause of the illness is being reported correctly and everything isn't Covid related. #MyOpinion If you choose not to fly because you don't feel it is right for you, that is ok. Your comment is somewhat dishonest. You say that "you didn't have any issues" in response to the original poster expressing his concerns about flying during this time period, yet you willfully left out the fact that Southwest Airlines requires all passengers to wear face masks. Because this is a customer-to-customer forum, I'm curious as to why you left that part out? Regardless of your stance on the face mask issue, to act as if face masks aren't an "issue" is dishonest and disregards the original poster's concern. The original poster made it clear that he did NOT want to fall sick. The scientific and medical literature show that the use of face masks makes people MORE susceptible to disease. So by intentionally choosing to leave out the fact that masks are required for all passengers, your post doesn't adequately address the concerns he brought up. Please make sure that your posts directly address the OP's concerns.
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