@jksobonya wrote: Cancelled flights - they happen. Especially in the middle of a pandemic when few things are guaranteed. It's possible that you can get to your final destination via a different connection path and not wait 2 days, but you'd have to talk to a Southwest rep either at the airport or via one of the contact methods to see what is possible. --Jessica LOL Funny how you think that a fake pandemic has to do with it and NOT government lockdowns/restrictions
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05:47 PM
05:47 PM
@jksobonya "The facts" about COVID-19 have been ignored in many cases, particularly the fact that COVID is a mild-to-moderate virus, always has been even before vaccines were introduced, and that most who get it recover. People love to say how infectious COVID is to make you afraid ("It's 10x worse than the flu! Run for the hills!") or how many deaths there are in the United States (or world) to show just how "deadly" it is, but they conveniently ignore how many recover. In the US, the "death count" is around 700K now but almost 45 million have gotten COVID and recovered. Worldwide, over 200 million have recovered compared to just under 5 million deaths. COVID is simply not as deadly as people seem to think it is, but getting through to them is a lost cause. People are obsessed with death when they should be obsessed with recovery; some of these lost causes go as far as to make web sites to spread fear and try to shame unvaccinated people who die of COVID. It's really sickening behavior. There is a special place in you-know-where for those who are so terrified - for no real reason - that they promote unfounded fear to the masses. Anyway, back to mandates, I will continue to suggest in regards to US COVID deaths alone that had the nursing home "mandates" in NY, PA, OH, and other states not happened at the beginning of the pandemic, our death count would be cut significantly. We failed to protect the at-risk when they needed the most protection, and we are continuing to fail by over-protecting the least at-risk which is children. It really is a shame. Wow! So much wrong with this reply....I don't have the time or patience to reference the 1000+'s of non-biased publications that contradict every point you make...I respect your right to your opinion, regardless of it's scientific merit..Stay healthy and fly safe!
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11:27 AM
11:27 AM
@PetertheProphet wrote: @TheMiddleSeat wrote: Information about digital passes that are accepted can be found here https://www.hawaii-guide.com/hawaii-travel-restrictions Governor is also asking tourists to not travel to Hawaii. --TheMiddleSeat I highly doubt that the governor is asking tourists not to travel to Hawaii since Hawaii is dependent on tourist money. All the famous Youtube vloggers and TikTokers have been to Hawaii this year and testing was the only issue for them. So if this guy has his vaccine records, then there's no reason he shouldn't go since the process would be even easier. You could just look it up yourself. Too hard? --TheMiddleSeat
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You asked: "But do peers of the industry really think the policy is written that in between every bite sip and chew the mask is to be replaced. Or is the policy that a reasonable amount of time to consume your just delivered snack is ok to not wear a mask but after a reasonable time it must be returned to its proper position." I have taken four flights on Southwest since you made your post on Saturday. (2 flights in each direction of a trip.) After reading your post, I paid close attention to the announcements the flight attendants made. On three of the four flights (all with different crews), the flight attendants used the phrase "replace your mask between sips and bites." Three of the four used that EXACT phrase. Not between "drinks and bites" or "gulps and chews." Three of them specifically said "replace your masks between sips and bites." It was obvious they were reading from a prepared script. I would guess that is the policy.
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@dfwskier wrote:
Too bad we will not hear the employee's side of the story.
There are at lest 2 sides to every story.
If only the media believed in listening to both sides of the story. Whenever an incident on-board a flight makes the news, the media defames the passenger by referring to him or her as "unruly" and assumes that the flight attendants were in the right.
I'm all for hearing both sides of the story, but always giving the flight attendants the benefit of the doubt is dishonest.
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07:25 AM
07:25 AM
Anyone know if the "travel day only" coupons will be given the same end of year expiration when and if SWA opens back up beer/wine service? Asking as a responsible and respectful traveler.
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02:16 PM
02:16 PM
I'm all for following the rules, but the LAW overrides Southwest policy. Southwest cannot demand that passengers wear medical devices on their faces. They aren't licensed to practice medicine. And basing some whimsical policy on a random executive order isn't how you law is made. Only Congress can make laws. Until there is an actual codified statute EXPLICITLY stating that 2 year olds be forced to wear face masks, bringing up the old "following rules" platitude is senseless.
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01:55 PM
01:55 PM
Shoes and shirts are considered to be normal social etiquette; face masks, on the other hand, are medical devices. That's why Southwest has no authority to demand that we customers smother ourselves with those medical devices as no one at Southwest is licensed to practice medicine. Not to mention, even practicing physicians cannot DEMAND that their clients wear face masks; they can at best prescribe them. If you disagree with the fact that a face mask is a medical device, then take it up with the FDA.
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01:52 PM
01:52 PM
Not sure about the purpose behind your smarmy "rant." Southwest is already one of the worst airlines when it comes to forcing paying customers to smother themselves with medical devices (face masks). The flight attendants, gate agents, and even some ramp workers who work here are some of the most hypocritical people on the face of this planet. They'll deny you boarding for not social distancing, yet they themselves HUG each other in the gate (you often see this while waiting for your flight). Another classic case of rules for thee, but not for me. I'm not sure how "bully passengers" applies here when passengers have no power. The U.S. government steals our money through taxation and gives it to criminal corporations like airlines. EVERYONE could boycott Southwest today...and it would still be in business because the Federal Reserve keeps printing money and giving it back to the airlines. The ostensible "private ownership" of Southwest is a mere illusion. The ONLY reason I fly Southwest is because they allow you to choose your own seat; that's about it. Other than that, none of the employees have any redeeming qualities.
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@PetertheProphet wrote: The only reason why anyone would choose to be a flight attendant at this time would be to harass customers about wearing masks. Unfortunately for you, I am not aware if Southwest is hiring at this point in time as they have more than enough power trippers on-board. No most people that want to become a Flight Attendant do because they want to see the world. If I could become a Flight attendant I would because I love to travel and would love that I'm not at the same desk with the same people everyday it's nice to change to the scenery. It seems you just want to complain a lot on here unfortunately no one here can change the policy because this is a customer to customer forum so you would be better off contacting Southwest directly to discuss your concerns. Contact Customer Relations
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09:52 PM
09:52 PM
Correction *Air Carrier Access Act* In any case, Southwest's lawyers are corrupt. I stated in my last paragraphs that it was impossible to sue them because they're controlled by the government and receive whatever hard-earned tax money I'm forced to pay. The only way to ensure that Southwest apologizes for their crimes against humanity is through either a boycott or a class-action lawsuit. In any case, they can do whatever they want. But that won't change the laws already on the book. It won't invalidate the Nuremberg Code. And it won't change the fact that everything I stated (except for the "ADA" typo, should have said Air Carrier Access Act) is 100% valid.
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@cmcarpen78 You'll want to direct your questions to Southwest Customer Relations. Contact Customer Relations --TheMiddleSeat
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03:36 PM
@Jonesbbkr wrote: Not sure where you see me contradicting myself but that’s your opinion for what ever you feel it’s worth. It’s not about mask etiquette, it’s about respect for others safety and following rules and guidelines. Let me guess your a pre- boarder too You said flying should be 0% risk, but you admit you can't have that in such close quarters. Which is it? Nope, I'm A list preferred, and I don't block the aisle during planing OR deplaning. I flew 50k miles last year without getting Covid... or whining about other's masks. Ps. It's spelled "you're".
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09:22 PM
Yep, here's someone who thought like he did. https://www.khon2.com/coronavirus/safe-travels-quarantine-violators-say-hawaii-takes-rules-very-seriously/
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We appreciate everyone here sharing their thoughts.
As this thread has become heated, I'm dropping in a friendly reminder that everyone on the Community is expected to follow the Golden Rule. We welcome all Community Members to engage with the content we find here, as long as it is respectful and on-topic, and we encourage everyone to refresh themselves on our Community User Guidelines.
Additionally, remember, not all advice is sound advice. While Members and Employees will do their best to help each other out, it is possible for information provided in the Community to be wrong, incomplete, or not applicable to your specific situation. Always apply good judgment and feel free to seek information from official sources.
Regarding the Air Carrier Access Act, Southwest is fully aware of all laws and regulations protecting passengers with disabilities. We are active in the airline industry in sharing best practices about how best to accommodate passengers with disabilities. If you have a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, that prevents you from wearing a mask, but still wish to travel: Southwest is currently finalizing steps for a Customer to take to apply for a disability-related exemption from the mask requirement. The first date Southwest would allow a Customer with an exemption to travel is March 21.
We continue to evaluate our policies and procedures based on public health guidance and advice from medical and aviation organizations. With the Southwest Promise, we’re committed to supporting the well-being of our Employees and Customers by requiring face coverings; using HEPA air filters onboard (similar to the technology found in hospitals); and applying both an electrostatic disinfectant and an antimicrobial spray on every surface of the aircraft, killing viruses on contact and forming anti-microbial coating that lasts for 30 days.
Thank you,
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12:31 PM
12:31 PM
@PetertheProphet wrote: Maybe the original poster shouldn't have sworn at the gate agent, but she was forcing him to reduce his oxygen saturation DESPITE knowing about his medical condition. Not sure if you've ever run a business before, but when profit margins are as razor thin as they are when one is running an airline, the customer gets the final say. Ever heard the old expression, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"? Well, in this particular case, the customer is the one providing the money. No need for the wheedling; you know very well that Southwest would have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy had it not been for federal TAXPAYER bailouts. No Southwest would not have filed for bankruptcy had it not been foe the federal TAXPAYER bailouts. All that money was spent to keep people on the payroll. Absent the TAXPAYER baiiouts the airline would have done what every other business would have done - it would have fired thousands of employees and remained in business. Masks are require - period. If you or some member of your party can't / won't wear one, then don't try to get on the plane.
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03:11 AM
03:11 AM
Even IF Dr. Firstenberg and Meehan were "quacks," it wouldn't make their citations of medical and scientific literature invalid. Here's a list compiled by Denis Rancourt: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/wp-content/uploads/masks-dont-work-denis-rancourt-april-2020.pdf Fact of the matter is that the pores in face masks are simply too large to make any difference, and the constant re-breathing of one's own breath may actually increase contamination. Not to mention, forcing someone who is unable to wear a mask violates the Air Carrier Access Act.
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10:32 AM
10:32 AM
Thank you SWA for extending compassion and care to a grieving family. Desperately needed in such hard times. Thank you Suzi and Dana for supporting the service of your son Jordan. We are thankful for his life. May your good memories bless and comfort you both. 💕
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@BigKurt If your name/tag/handle images you in real life, then you would be "big/large/bigger than that average passenger, specifically a "woman." Not that I would have been belligerent, but I would, and have done so, expressed my frustration with people who don't comply. I've had people, (when I fly alone I always get the window seat) ask me if that aisle seat is taken, I ALWAYS reply, not it's not if you're going to keep your mask on. Straight Up. And I'm about 5'8 160. There are nicer ways to do it, (which is what I would have to do if my wife was flying with me) but I just set the tone. It's going to be interesting once Dec 1st rolls around and the middle seat is free game.
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04:50 AM
04:50 AM
@M3WAState wrote: I don't disagree that masks are important and I think you're missing my point. As I initially stated, we are compliant in our state. Quickly stopping at a grocery store for a couple of items with a masked child is do able. Masking the child when appropriate and required by our governor's guidelines, generally, isn't a problem. Traveling across the country on long flights is stressful for adult and children alike. The SW policy to kick parents and non-compliant two year olds off the plane is misguided and simply cruel. As parents, we are trying to do the right thing for our children while adhering to flight rules. A little more understanding of that by the airline and its passengers could go a long way. Cloth and surgical masks do NOT filter out viral particles. Please see my other posts in this discussion. The pores in these masks are simply too large to be able to properly filter out viral particles. If you're a parent, then PLEASE do not make your child wear a mask, not even "during a quick trip to the grocery store." You do care about their physical and mental development, don't you? Well, we all know that reduced oxygen saturation isn't good for anyone, but this is especially true for the young. Southwest is actually violating the Air Carrier Access Act by forcing customers to wear masks. All the scientific and medical literature show that wearing masks INCREASES the likelihood of infection. This is even true in the context of hospital operating rooms. I mean, you're free to wear a mask, but if you care about the health of your children, you would discourage them from doing so.
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