A dog is less likely to leave a "dirty" seat than an incontentent, elderly human. Next time you go to any office with cloth seats, check out the stains. If your religion forbids you to have contact with dogs (Islam), you can always drive your car to your destination.
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Not everyone who is disabled is blind and has a white stick plus a seeing eye dog. The Americans with Disability Act gives me the right to travel with my service dog even though I am "invisibly" disabled. I need my dog to hear and then alert me to ambulance sirens and police sirens when I am driving, smoke detectors, CO2 detectors, cooking timers, tornado sirens, my doorbell, and my cellphone when it isn't on me. My service dog has also alerted me to a large snake rustling in the grass a few yards from my feet and strangers walking suspiciously close behind me. Go ahead and film me and my service dog. I have an invisible disability called severe hearing loss, but my eyes work fine. I can easily see a witch. I will be filming you too. Watch for your judgemental, evil behavior on twitter and youtube.
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