Here is a question for all of the individuals that are agrily complaining about the removal of peanuts. Would you care if the person sitting next to you had a loaded gun pointed at you, with their finger on the trigger? There is rarely time to completely rid a plane of all the spilled peanuts and peanut dust between flights. You can choose not to drink milk, and for those with Celiacs, it sucks, but it is not life threatening if th eperson next to you is eating a pretzel. For years, I was insensitive to food allergies, until my daughter had her first anaphylactic reaction to peanuts. For her, your precious peanuts are no different than the loaded gun. Someone with Celiacs can easily bring an alternate snack, and their lfe will not be threatened. At shool and other places, we never ask others to change their lunches or bithday cakes etc. But in a confined space with no access to medical assistance, it is a different story. Thanks Southwest!
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