Thank you! Yes, they are pretty sturdy boxes and they are within the dimension guidelines of normal checked baggage. And even though she has a lot of stuff in there, they are way under the weight limit. Think it is because boxes weigh next to nothing when empty, so that's always a good start! I think the shoes box is the heaviest, LOL!
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05:30 PM
05:30 PM
Thanks! Yes, the Uhaul boxes are pretty sturdy and we'll be using lots of DUCT tape!
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02:49 PM
02:49 PM
Hi! I will be moving my daughter to her dorm room and we will be taking ALOT of stuff! I would like to use Uhaul type boxes to pack her stuff in, instead of traditional luggage. This will save a ton of space in her dorm room, as we can break it down after we get there. Is there a policy on this?
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