10:19 PM
10:19 PM
Thank you all. I called SWA customer service and verified that the priority is A-list before family boarding. I also filed a complaint with the gate checker since his rude behavior has been directed at me more than once. In general, the airports I fly through tell the A-listers to line up to the side of the columns; but if I see this particular guy again, I'll just get in line behind A60. :cathappy:
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09:22 AM
I'm curious how other have experienced the order between A-list and family boarding. I generally take 2 flights/week, sometimes more. I have had to change my flights same day enough times to board A-list preferred instead of in the A group, and 99% of the time, A-list boards after A60 and before family boarding. Yet, there is one gate agent in Seattle who I've come across twice now who insists that families board first and gets really nasty if you say otherwise. Today, when I pushed back, he actually yelled at me about insisting that A-List board before families. I will be calling SWA to complain about his attitude, but I'd also like to know what the policy actually is.
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09:16 AM
09:16 AM
I have also had the gate agent who "makes a scene" when you try to board after the A group. I am on at least 2 flights a week, sometimes more and A-list always goes right after A60. Yet this particular agent insists on boarding families first and then gets mad if I tell him a-list goes before families. He actually went so far as to yell at me today. It's happened twice now with the same gate agent (and no others), so I'll be calling SW after my flight.
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