If you are new to flying or new to Southwest and are considering purchasing the early bird feature, there are a few things you should probably know. Buying early bird does not automatically put you in A boarding group. Often times you will be assigned B boarding group. There are a lot of factors that go into this boarding assignment. I purchased early bird for my upcoming flight(for the first time). As I received my boarding assignment, I was given B31. Out of 175 seats on the plane, I paid $20 to board in the 91st position. Is that worth $20? You will have to decide if it is worth it to you. I'm not sure if B31 will assure me an aisle seat or not. I had hoped with purchasing early bird I would at least be given B15 or earlier. At this point I don't feel it is worth the extra money but, depending on how the flight goes and if I get a seat a prefer, my mind may change. Good luck! Cheers!
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