12:46 PM
Yeah man! I actually got it the next day. Had an interview around 3 weeks later and as I’m writing this I’m actually in class with the program in Denton!
It’s selective but I wish you the best of luck. Just be yourself and be personable.
Hope to see you at the airlines!
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10:26 PM
Two weeks ago, I filled out a survey that included basic information such as name, email, start date, and location of training. However, I was meant to receive a code for the ADAPT assessment upon the completion of the survey. In the two weeks I have yet to receive that code and therefore I cannot progress my application towards my Destination 225 journey.
I’ve read they send codes 120 days prior to start date for training, mine being Jan. 1, 2024, I should gave received the code by now.
Any help with the issue stated would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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