10:00 PM
1 Love
Well it seems that the average air traveler is a bigoted @$$h0l3 against one of the few populations it is still stylish to be bigoted against the fat. There are many options that airlines could choose to institute to ensure that all of their customers are comfortable and happy on their flights. Unfortunately it is much easier (and puts a penny in their pocket) to do things this way.
So to those of you whining about large people taking up their space I hope you some day find yourself in one of the classes that it is still socially acceptable to be bigoted against so you can learn how it really feels. Smokers you shouldn't have the right to pollute my air, gays you challenge the strength of our families, gun owners we can't trust you not to shoot us, muslims ...etc.
I guarantee each and every one of you sanctimonious jerks will find yourself in one of the above or another unmentioned minority and you need to think about what it means to be on the wrong end of this mindset so think on that before you spout your hate.
Bigotry is bigotry it is disgusting no matter who is at the blunt end of the chopping blade, Southwest you should be ashamed of yourself and all of your bigoted cronies too.
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02:40 PM
This is ridiculous. If you want to institute a ridiculous policy like this than at least have the decency to tell someone before the flight. I guarantee there is a better way to institute this type of policy (appropriate or not is another question). I guess Southwest doesn't have to bother as they would rather take advantage of the bias against large people in this country.
Southwest you should be ashamed of yourselves, and I hope the bad publicity hurts as much as you've emotionally abused your larger passengers
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