08:26 PM
2 Loves
I recently read that Southwest would no longer allow parents with young children to board early. If this is incorrect please ignore this comment!
I for one really appreciate that Southwest puts families first. As a father who has had to travel with young children I've always appreciated the willingness of the airline and fellow travelers to allow me to find a convienient seat where I can have my children near by. The complaint I've heard is, "why should parents who arrive late to the gate be permitted to board ealy?" Let me answer that
(1) The number of parents and kids who usually board early are typically a fraction of the total number on board (in my experience and I'm sure LUV has statistics on that). There are PLENTY of good seats available for the business traveler
(2) Very often parents arrive late because of a late connection. They have no control over when they arrive at the gate. I've experienced this myself on numerous occasions
(3) Have a "HEART". We're talking about families with SMALL CHILDREN. I find it ironic that an airline that has a "HEART" as a logo tells parents with small kids to line up with everyone else.
Please show more kindness to parents with small children. Let them board early.
Thank you for listening,
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