03:14 PM
I like Kevin Smith; however I think that he, and everyone else, should let this go. I think it is a good policy and I wish the other airlines had it. I would hope that every effort to avoid a passenger's embarrasement would be made, but I'm sure that isn't possible in every situation. It is uncomfortable and unsafe if a passenger cannot fit in the allotted seat. Granted, they are small!! All the more reason to make sure you are only taking up what you have paid for. Now whether this particular situation was "fair" or not really cannot be determined by those of us who were not there. The fact is that it is up to the pilot to make the final determination of whether he/she is going to be conducting a safe flight for himself, the aircraft, and all passengers. This is the case in all areas of aviation and not exclusive to commercial airlines. It's always going to be a subjective call in the end and disagreements will rage because, right or wrong, not all people are going to have the same perspective as the pilot.
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