Good move Southwest!
The Panhandle is a huge vacation destination, and people have a hard time getting there. I'd be willing to bet that the flight between BNA and NWFL will be packed. The "Redneck Riviera" is a popular destination for people in the MidSouth! The flight to STL is long overdue! We've been begging for that flight for years and years, and it's nice that you guys are listening to us. Now if you could just add Louisville, OKC, and Little Rock....
Seriously though, I'm not sure I understand why you're leaving Ontario, CA out in the cold by cutting one of their only flights to the East by getting rid of Nashville is pretty cold. Whatever.
Next plan, enter ATL and just route all the flights through BNA like you did w/ MSP and MDW at first. I go to school in Dallas now, and I love you guys... can't wait until they "set love free" in 2013 so I can stop connecting through BHM, HOU, or MSP!
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