OMG!! People~can you be any more "All about me?" BRAVO to Mitch Che - Sat, 02/06/2010 - 23:22 and todd bailey/cardinal health — Sun, 02/07/2010 - 10:58, for being some of the few exceptions. Business Select and A-Listers are so annoying with their "give me, give me" attitudes. Shame on you, Jonas Bare — Sun, 02/07/2010 - 01:12!! Someone please tell me why BS and A Listers are so special?? My money is just as good. Is it because I have less of it?? Or less of it to BURN?! I for one would LOVE to have the money and the TIME to fly 16 round trips in a year (whew), but it's not going to happen anytime soon. It seems that the more you have, the more you expect for free in this life. I guarantee that SWA could not stay in business without the "rest" of us!! WOW, you types (everyone else were named "anonymous" Jonas, I give you respect for posting your name as you were not the only one) just make the rest of us sound less than zero! "Give it free to A-List...., Give it free to Business Select...., charge a nominal fee to the "rest" " EEEWWWWWW.....get OVER yourselves.
To Anonymous — Sat, 02/06/2010 - 23:42 regarding the SWA high priced credit card....I get most of my Rapid Rewards by charging my SWA card and paying it off at the end of the month....isn't that how AMEX works?? I therefore cannot speak to the interest rate since they never get the chance to asses it (truly, I don't even know what the rate is). Basically, EVERYTHING I purchase goes on it, cable, cell phone, groceries, gas, even auto insurance, (anything I have to buy/pay for anyway), etc., and it racks up the miles pretty quick~ just a suggestion. Thank you too, for being reasonable enough to know that WiFi should be a choice; a "pay as you go" service and (I myself would use it from time to time) others should not have to foot my bill. In case you were all wondering~clearly I am not Business Select or A List material...sighhh.
I say...WIFI=FREE (if SWA can afford it for ALL), DRINK TICKETS, OR CHARGE BY THE INDIVIDUAL, etc. Whatever is fair.'s a thought. Maybe the A Listers can afford to pay for us all?? There you go, charge A List people and give WiFi free to those of us in economy...Oh Yeah....we are ALL in economy!! And here I was beginning to think there was a difference between us. Maybe SWA can just add a curtain between the bulkhead seats and row 2 for you. Bet you expect us to foot the bill for the fabric and the curtain rod!!
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A few things, BIG inhale:
1) I fly SWA almost everywhere I go. But I agree with Anonymous 14:09 when it came to recent prices. For essentially the same flight times, American Airlines was the same cost as SWA. Maybe a fluke, but something to note.
2) The reason I point this out above is that I would rather get an in flight movie on long flights (offered on AA, plus I have the option to PAY for a meal in coach) than WiFi. First, nothing is free folks, and frankly SWA is running a business so I don't blame them one bit for passing the cost of WiFi service/install on to the passengers. However, like someone else said...How would we monitor the charge if it were automatically in the ticketed price at a dollar or two across the board? Sometimes I would surely use it, across the nation yes (may even use my free drink coupons-love that idea, and have many now that they don't expire...thanks SWA!), Oakland to Vegas-NO...give me my free drink so I can hit the ground running! ; )
3) Business Select passengers already get so many perks, that it is sickening that they would even ask to get yet another free perk-ESPECIALLY since we know that a good majority of them are NOT the ones paying for the ticket, their employer is, either up front or through reimbursement. So I don't think they truly grasp the ordeal that the flight-for -pleasure passenger experiences (Yes YES I get it that they go on vacations too-not the point I am making here, guys) B.S. are often spending someone else's money and getting PAID to travel. Before you all rip my head mother traveled for YEARS on business, so I get it-travel takes the piss out of you, but it also takes it out of the blue collar, pay-for-it-yourself schmoe, who can finally afford a little vacation and happens to be going to the same city that you are doing business in. Can he get Wifi free too, please?? Not hating...just saying.
4) That brings me to another point....if your "Bag Flys Free", require passengers to CHECK IT IN, or PAY!! That would allow for free WiFi. I am sick to death of watching all the selfish travelers who cram a small wheeled suitcase so full that it barley fits in the overhead. They take up so much room, that the person who didn't happen to pay $10 for "Early Bird" check-in has no where to stow their back pack! I say...if you want to bring your luggage into the for it!! The rest of us are fed up listenting to the poor attendant begging overhead for people to remove smaller bags from the overhead, so that your larger one will fit, so people can get seated and we MIGHT actually be able to take off on time(Cathy Brooks - Fri, 01/29/2010 - 20:30). On a recent flight from Vegas to Oakland, I watched as a woman pushed and pushed her suitcase into the overhead to no avail. Finally the attendant watching said "I really don't think that will fit, may we check it for you?" The girl says, "No, I'll just take some items out." You can imagine what ensued next. Picture a suitcase being opened in the middle of the aisle while this selfish woman held up the passengers boarding, and removed items from her bag and placed them into her "purse" which let's FACE it people, was acutally a carry-on (so now she has two carry-ons technically) GRRRRRRrrrrr, hissssss. Personally, NO, I will not remove my normal sized carry on from the overhead, and limit my leg room because you are too good, or too impatient to stand at the carousel!!!!!! So you see, I pay the $10 just for the chance to get my back pack in the overhead (because a seat is a seat...I am going to get one regardless of boarding group), meanwhile you stroll in (free) in group C with a full blown suitcase. I did not pay $10 bucks for YOUR luggage-I'd rather pay that for my WiFi, MOVIE, or hey-A MEAL, for that matter!! In issue is with the "suitcase in the cabin people" collectively. I don't care who you are~Business Select, A-List, Group Z. Oh, and one more thing...SWA, who is liable if the "carry-on" suitcase that people are struggling to get into the overhead, slips and hits someone in the face or head and causes a laceration that needs stitching????? I for one, see some close calls on nearly every flight. PEOPLE...If its bigger than a back pack or a rolling laptop case...and you want it to be free....check it, if you want it in the cabin/overhead, PAY because my time is valuable, and I want to push back from the gate on time!!!
5) I have faith in SWA. I truly think they could have the following as a standard, include it in the ticket price, and still beat other airlines for fare. (The meal is optional...I'd be fine if that was left out to control costs but I'd like the option to buy SOMETHING better than peanuts, graham crakers, Oreo's, or Cheese Nips-can you say Carbs much??)
-Free bags (all flights-already in place, YAY SWA!! ....but I say go ahead charge the selfish)
-Wifi (longer flights, or flights that allow a person to log on for at least 45 min maybe??)
-A meal offering (longer flights-does not have to be 4 course, but how about a sandwhich, with chips, and a piece of fruit? I only need a mayo and mustard packet-leave the fancy Chile Lime Chipotle secret spread to the other airlines) **Again, this could be charged for rather than included.
-Movie (on longer flights-maybe control costs by not having a new release...I would rather watch a movie I've seen, than stare at my tray table, look at the tops of clouds, or read SkyMall or my own magazine AGAIN. Actually I haven't seen all the movies I wanted to in 2009, so it could be a "new release" to me! I could do the movie on the laptop thing, but like so many others, I don't want to drain my battery, so if it's more cost effective to install a power outlet than a movie screen and rent the movie or whatever...then I am okay with no movie.
Just some suggestions to have some upgrade options while still showing other airlines that it can be done more economically. But as for the WiFi question...I feel free is great, but if there is a fee, then let it be per use/per person. Everyone should not have to pay for something I use, if they don't. I do like the monthly thing for those who travel more.
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