Yes, it is uncomfortable to sit next to someone who is "too large for one seat." However, let's be honest; in an effort to maximize profits by stuffing as many people as possible onto each flight, airline seats are not really big enough for one average sized person to fit in comfortably anyway. Instead of charging "people of size" for two seats, why don't the airlines make reasonably sized seats, spaced reasonably apart? Furthermore, does this "person of size" rule apply only to overweight people, or does it also apply to people who are over 6' tall and have to sit with their legs intruding into their neighbor's space because they don't fit under the seat in front of them? Everyone invades everyone else's space on an airplaine; anyone who has attempted to use the shared armrest when seated next to an armrest hog knows this, as does anyone who's lap has ever been invaded by the reclining seat of the person in front of them, no matter what size those people are. Why are airlines the only businesses that get to mistreat their customers and overcharge them for the experience?
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