07:59 PM
1 Love
Thank you, Leah, for the kind words. My mother-in-law is doing better, which is a huge relief for the entire family. The prognosis seven months ago was that she had six months at the most. She is beating the odds! She is so much like my mom; we are very close.
It was disappointing not being selected; however, like you, I am not one to give up. I continue to send my resume for the different positions that open up, but havenÃ
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06:55 PM
2 Loves
Hi Everyone!
It has been a little while since my last post. I always come here to read Leah's posts, knowing I will get a laugh. Thank you Jeff for keeping this blog going; it is very informative.
I have a couple questions that maybe someone can answer: I interviewed with the Aircraft Maintenance Department last July and felt it did not go so well. This was due to my mother-in-law's cancer diagnosis just before the interview. My mind was preoccupied and I did not answer some of the questions thoroughly.
Since I wasn't selected for the position, can I apply for other positions in the same department or do I have to wait twelve months to re-apply? I have submitted my resume for several other positions within the department but haven't heard anything.
Also, I have wanted to follow up with a phone call to the super awesome person in the People Department who interviewed me over the phone and also in person. Do you think a call would just interrupt her busy day or would it show I am still interested in working for the best airline this country has to offer?
Also, thanks for the increased service in DEN! Even though I currently work for another airline, my family has flown more on Southwest than with pass travel with my company...you can't beat the good service, friendly employees, and great prices on SWA! As my kids say, "Southwest ROCKS!"
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07:41 AM
2 Loves
Blogsouthwest has to be the best thing since peanuts were first offered on flights. There are many blog spots on the internet and none of those responds to comments. It is a sign of a great management team to respond.
I interviewed twelve days ago for a position in the Southwest Aircraft Maintenance Department in Dallas and am eagerly awaiting a notification in the mail. I originally came to this blog for information on the time frame between interview and notification but became engrossed by the comments. I have worked in the aircraft maintenance field for twenty-three years and have seen the ups and downs of the USAF and commercial aviation. No company out there compares to Southwest and I would be honored to work for this outstanding company.
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