06:20 PM
1 Love
I've read the comments about the young lady well its actually both young ladies at this point. If you go on any local "hot" climate campus that is what you will see. The young ladies and guys dress anyway they want to because its their right. Yes, you have rights but you better not be the person who fits into any one of the catagories below because then I will complain and have you spoken to like a 6 year old.
I wish that if you started policing clothing that you would also police the following, men who take their shoes off (SMELL) older women who wear shirts that are too big and their large breasts hang out, kids who have a dirty diaper, parents who allow their children to kick the back of chairs, people who bring on food because they can't go 2 hours without any, bad breath, body odor, skirts that are too long that they trip falling on me, or in an emergancy it will get in the way( check the local hospitals dress code they do not allow long skirts), overweight people who don't buy 2 seats and therefore sit in the middle seat and roll on me, someone who talks loudly, someone who chews their gum loudly, stupid comments made by airline personal intended to be funny, personal either straight or gay that bother me and anything else I feel like complaining about.
How dare you decide for me what is appropriate or not, that is not your place nor is it the stupid person who complained about this young lady. If I was her I would sue you for future stress because that was not olny embarrasing it was also unforgivable.
If you read this blog which I don't think you will, but out of all the letter posted here how many are positive, and out of those real consrvative blogs do you think fly Southwest on a regular basis? HMMMm lets see mayber 15 are positive and maybe 1-2 fly you at least monthly now look at all the customers you lost.
I'm no tgoing to lie and say I'll never fly you, you're the only airline that flys direct to see my grandmother, but what I will say is this, I will never fly you if another airline is available. By the way I only see my grandmother 4 times a year, but I fly montly to all those places you do . The difference is I'll be flying an airline that on concentrates on security, flying on time preformace, staff that is their to ensur emy safety and not on an airline that doesn't like the way I dress.
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