04:59 PM
1 Love
I guess what bothers me most about these negative posters is the assumption that all large people travel alone. As if we were a "nothing" in society. I've flown alone once to conference. Every other time I've been with my husband, children and friends. All who love me just the way I am. I only encroach on those that don't mind. When I flew alone I purposely chose my seat the night before in an empty row. The next time I sit across from the "talker", I'm writing to the airline to complain they were encroaching on my silent space!
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03:35 PM
1 Love
Just sick over this...I am a person of size and due to fly SWA next week with my 16 year old daughter. I've never needed 2 seats, I've always fit between the armrests, but I've never flown SWA before. So suddenly I am stressed to the max over being publicly humiliated on board with my daughter. So if I spill into a seat that I've already paid for will we both be removed from the flight? I want a refund...of course I can't get one. I've already called and asked. I was told that I could cancel my flight for full credit. NO...the point is I don't want to do business with this company. I've never been so nervous about flying in my life. Guaranteed my family will never fly with Southwest again!!
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