08:38 PM
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Question: What should a highly successful operation do when it outperforms its competition year after year and builds a phenomenally loyal customer base? When it consistently shows a profit while its competitors bounce in and out of bankruptcy court? When its customers share stories about the fun they had on their flights, while competitor's customers complain endlessly about how horrible their experience has been?
Southwest's answer: Change to be more like the competition!!
Anybody remember "New Coke"?? What an amazingly bad decision made by the (obviously) new leadership at Southwest. Herb, where are you?? Please come rescue your loyal customers!! I have always chosen Southwest over any other airline whenever possible, but now will have to reconsider that decision. If I have to pay more to get a seat I want, will the flight still be cheaper? If I don't pay the increased price, will I get stuck in a middle seat between the guy who smells bad and the woman with a screaming baby? Who knows? Why take the risk?
I fly Southwest because they have cheaper fares, lightning fast turnaround at the gate, rarely a canceled flight, and I get to choose my seat in person when boarding. I'm at the airport early anyways, so why not get in line and get a great seat? Now, I will lose out to those who pay extra for the right to choose first. Kind of like the "Lexus lanes" being added to highways, where those willing (and able) to pay can get a faster travel lane.
Shame on you, Southwest. Shame on Gary Kelly. And shame on Herb Kelleher for allowing this to happen before he leaves. You have a very disappointed customer, and one very upset shareholder. Apparently I'm not the only one, though, judging by the stock price since the announcement.
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