12:42 AM
1 Love
Ms. Barrett,
Wow! Talk about making a 180-degree course correction! Did CEO Kelly give you a good "talking to" after the comments you made just yesterday*?
Well, for me, Southwest's action is too little, too late. I have already directed my company's travel department to remove your airline from our preferred list of carriers. I hope other companies out there also take similar steps to show you how serious this misstep was.
*see the following news link:
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03:16 AM
6 Loves
I find it interesting that so many of the comments on this blog that support Southwest's position on this issue appear to be written by other women. I also find it interesting that most of the comments that contain atrocious spelling and grammar are also from individuals in support of the airline's actions. Most of the latter should take an English and/or writing class before adding their two cents' worth on such boards. (Then maybe the rest of us will actually be able to understand what you're attempting to convey.)
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11:15 PM
2 Loves
Well, it looks like Southwest has been busy getting most of the clips about their early 1970's commercials featuring their flight attendants dressed in hot pants removed from youtube, aol video, etc., etc. I'm sure more will keep popping up though over the next few days while this story is in the news and all I can say to that is....good. What a bunch of hypocrites they are by trying to defend the actions of this rude and invasive flight attendant.
I hope they leave this post up as it contains the link to one clip that is still up and running as I write this:
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09:11 PM
1 Love
Southwest needs to issue an immediate apology to the woman in question, as well as all of their customers, past and present. If they do not, and refuse to back down from the position they have taken on this issue, I hope that this woman sues the airline for refusing service to her for an extremely arbitrary and prejudicial reason. If that's the course of action the airlne intends to follow, then shame on them and I hope that millions of passengers choose another company for their business and/or recreational flight needs.
I encourage everyone to boycott the airline now to show Southwest how ridiculous their recent actions have been. At present I am instructing my company's travel department to remove Southwest from our list of preferred airlines. I encourage others in similar corporate positions to do likewise.
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