having been from atlanta and flying for 40 weeks out of the year for the past 25 years , we in the av bussiness mostly fly southwest because you can change flights at any time and a ticket is alwayys worth what you pay for it. People who hate sw just don't understand how to fly in todays marketplace. You need to checkin online and pay attention to what you are doing!!! do not just show up 1 hour before your flight and then demand that your family of 5 get to board and sit together... checkin online 24 hours before or pay for the early seating... if you need an assighned seat... fly delta!! Every day , i deal with stupid , rude passengers , who should not be flying in the first place.I used to fly delta everywhere , but got tired of the bitter , pissed - off flight attendants and the general attitude of 'whe love to fly and it shows.." they love to fly ..just not with you.... sorry , I got side tracked... anyway .. i hope SW will replace most of the airtran employees with the same people.... just turn them in to SW employees first... i have talked with thousands of southwest people over the years ...and have heard not a single complaint from any employee , anywhere .... the same cannot be said of any other airline i know of except Quantus.
Southwests bussiness model works well and is the only hope for future profits in the airling bussiness ... they turn planes faster , by 15-30 minuites over the competing airlines allowing them to serve more cities in the same 24 hours..... the company is run well (thanks Herb!) and the employees are truly treated like family in a small bussiness .I hope this means I can now use my rewards for a trip to Grand Bahama ... in the meantime .. all us roadies will keep singing the praises of an airline that really is more fun to fly.....
Thanks Southwest
randy...aka videoroadie
ps: when are you adding Hawaii and China/Japan?
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