A message to Sandra Martin and Kevin:
Your anger is misplaced. Your suffering is real but clouds the good done by others and is hurting you and those you love more than anything else can. Take a moment to notice the good in life the good done by other individuals and corporations (like Southwest Airlines). For instance . . . count the comments here where you have posted. Calculate the ratios of good to yours.
You and your families are appreciated, as are those of every military family. Your anger, pain and disappointment may have stuffed your ears from hearing.
I'd like to say, from the depths of my heart, Thank you for your family's part in serving our great country. That means the servicemen and women and their extended families and friends. We are all impacted by that service. I, too, am the wife and ex-wife of disabled Viet Nam vetererans. My current husband is 100% permanently disabled. I can tell you from personal experience that the best gift you can give your family and yourself is to release the anger and grief.
May you find the peace of Christ and may God fully bless you.
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