we are deviating from the main point, but I am willing to play... the bandwidth is a perishable item and the alcohol is not. If someone doesn't drink the alcohol, it is still there tomorrow to be resold tomorrow. The bandwidth, like hotel rooms and like airline seats, if not filled to capacity cannot get put on the shelf and resold tomorrow. Thus, goes back to my original point - give it away once a year, at very little cost actually, as a joint venture between provider and airline to market the trial. Use the existing drink coupons as the ticket. Marketing 101. And by the way, the video clip provided spoke only to people's willingness to pay, not to the actual cost, but I appreciated and enjoyed it anyhow. Thank you for providing.
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07:30 PM
07:30 PM
Chgoflyer - Thank you for that insight and for taking the time to share. I have never used it, so if they ever get a better provider, it would be a good thing to do. Interesting that none of the attendents ever said they had heard of the idea to combine the drink coupon with a free internet session. One even told me that they thought perhaps the company wouldn't do it because perhaps they feared the attendents would use the credits! Introducing people to services (marketing) is how one gains more users. People get used to it and are willing to pay once they see the value. My background in the area has definitely proven that model of marketing. But as you say, if the product is defective, it will create more problems. I am willing to bet that a great company like SW is already working to solve the issue with the provider then. No wonder they prefer to get people drinking! JK - I am actually a LUV fan and appreciate what they do give already, just can't take advantage of the coupons.
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I have made the suggestion formally and informally in the past that SW consider giving an option to use the drink coupons for inflight internet connectivity. Every time I bring it up flight attendents and passengers love the idea and encourage sending it in again as an idea. But I always get the same response from a robot responder that there is no policy on that yet. HELLO? That is the point - get the idea to the luv group that creates luv for passengers and suggest it! I do not drink alcohol and as a very loyal passenger I would very much appreciate the once a year free wifi internet connection to do some live email in lieu of drink coupons that I cannot use. I would luv to hear if I am alone or anyone else thinks this would be a good loyalty perk?
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