02:24 AM
1 Love
Totally agree that there will be some who will abuse this privilege. Personally, I didn't like the new boarding rules. Of course I don't fall in most of the special groups, so I'm biased. But doesn't some of these groups include people who want to be treated just like everyone else without all the special treatment. I get it, but I'm straddling the fence on whether it's fair to all travelers who pay the same amount as others in these groups. Just my opinion, so I welcome feed back that corrects my assertions.
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08:47 PM
I hate that unused travel funds are non-transferrable. I lost money last year for a flight I was unable to take, and by the time I could use the funds, the time had expired. To me, that's my money, and Southwest took my money. #lol I'm laughing now, but I wasn't then. It's just unfortunate, and they need to come up with some type of one-time extension or one-time refund policy. It just doesn't seem fair to take money from people, and not provide a service or product. #JustMyOpinion
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09:57 PM
2 Loves
I don't know....I think SW should assign seats like other aircrafts. I mean....How much more costly can that be? It would seemingly be better customer service than having a family of 3 or more try to hold seats. And how fair is to hold seats to to other passengers anyway, who paid just as much as another to get a "first come first serve" seat. They need a better solution. Tickets are too pricey for the seat hassles.
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