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Southwest Airlines Community

Becoming a Flight Attendant 101

Adventurer B
Last year 7,593 applicants were interviewed for the job of Flight Attendant. From this number 880 were hired. The big question: "What are they looking for?" While serving on the Flight Attendant Hiring Team, I was looking for those who stood out from the group. Professional appearance, positive attitude, and enthusiasm. A question I asked myself was, "How will a passenger respond to this person for five hours at 35,000 feet - while strapped down in a seat?" They certainly don't want to be encapsulated with a Flight Attendant they feel is mad at them! If you feel you have what it takes to be a Flight Attendant, what's the next step?  I suggest a person research the job. Many of our applicants have read the book Nuts! written by Kevin Freiberg and Jackie Freiberg. Google "books on the life of a flight attendant" for resources. These can give you an inside look at a working Flight Attendant's job. For all the hilarity there are the sobering topics of commuting, duty hours, irregular operations, no shows, etc. Try to make sure that, before you apply, you have the attitude, flexibility, and stamina this job requires. You still want the job? Great! Go to the Careers Page of and follow the instructions for submitting an application online. Then the wait begins. If you meet the basic criteria, you will eventually receive a letter (Flight Attendant hiring is timed with the arrival of new aircraft into the fleet) from our People Department inviting you for a Group Interview. Come prepared with the information for which you are asked, and I recommend getting there early, as there will be paperwork to fill out. Do not be late under any circumstances. If you have a conflict, call the People Department immediately. If you don't know how to get to the interview spot, drive it the day before. If you are flying in, allow enough time to get from the airport to the People Department in our Dallas Headquarters, or to the interview location.  What do you wear? Business attire is always appropriate. Wear something that makes you feel good so you will be relaxed and confident. For women, makeup is required on duty so come to the interview looking like you will if you are hired. Men are not required to buy or borrow a suit, but you want to look starched and business like. Arrive knowing why Southwest should hire you. After the Group Interview you could be asked to remain that afternoon for a one-on-one interview. You could also be scheduled another day for this in-depth interview. If the latter is the case, you will receive a letter giving you the time and date. There is no set time for when you will receive a response, but three to six weeks is a reasonable expectation.  During this second interview, you will spend time with an active duty Flight Attendant and a Company Recruiter. Come prepared with examples of when you have demonstrated being an outstanding Employee at your previous jobs, in a school environment, or times you have interacted with a group. The questions are in a format that begins, "Tell me about a time..." Relax and allow your personality to come through. If you do not get a second interview, or if you do not get hired, please understand that you can interview again in one year. We have many excellent Employees who were turned down the first time but came back and were chosen. A strong desire for the job is a plus and coming back demonstrates that desire. If you are not chosen IT DOES NOT MEAN WE DON'T LIKE YOU. It could merely mean on this given day when interviewed by a given group you were not deemed a JOB FIT. There may even be other jobs in the Company that you may want to consider and apply. I recently flew with an outstanding male Flight Attendant who moved to a city that was hiring and started out on the Ramp at an airport. He wanted to get his foot in the door and was willing to move and take whatever job was available. He enjoyed his job but his goal was to be a Flight Attendant and fly out of Dallas. It took him three years, but he did what it took to make it happen. Do you have a Warrior Spirit? Do you have a Servant's Heart? Do you have a Fun-loving Attitude? If you understand what these three things mean and want to join a team of dedicated Employees striving each day to keep Southwest Airlines successful for our Customers and Employees, please apply!
Explorer A
HI Shari, I want to thank you for taking the time out of what must be a busy schedule to reassure those of us here on the blog and chat board of the finer details of this wonderful but sometimes looong process of becoming a Flight Attendant! I myself have been cleared and plunked in the pool as of yesterday so I feel a little better but I have made some friends here who are days or weeks behind me in the process and I know how they feel and your letter must make them feel good. It gets a little nervewracking even though we are told no news is good news! We are all so excited and the Recruiters and Employment Coordinators do tell us what the time frame is but it just seems to take so long! We are alI so enthusiastic and eager. I imagine those qualities helped us get this far, along with the skill sets you mentioned of course! Anyway, one of the things that sold me on this Company was the fantastic people who work here in all the different areas! They are all so happy, positive and productive and work so well with such good will for one another. The management are all so down to earth and accessable too, like you! who just pops on here and blogs with us! Anyway, thanks for listening to us and I know I speak for alot of us newbies when I say we can't wait to be a part of this awesome team at Southwest!! Right Val, and Glomom and IFLYSWA and a bunch more. Sincerely, stefnyjane Steph Steph
Explorer C
Ok, be honest! Does it matter if you have 2 small children when applying for an FA? I sent in my resume via email 6 weeks ago and still haven't heard anything. I can't help but wonder if this will effect my chances of fullfilling my dream as a flight attendant. Leigh
Explorer C
Hello all! I first wanted to say that I have cought up in reading this blog and it has help inspired me even that much more. Its so amazing to hear people write about the way you feel and have felt for as long as I can remember. I recieved a letter in the mail inviting me to a group invite next week and I am super excited. I am counting the minutes go by. I just want to say good luck to all who are waiting for good news. To those who want to become a f/a, don't give up your dreams think positive. Congrats Steph I am sooo happy for you. I have read your blogs for the past few weeks and you also inspire me to put it into sixth gear. (ok maybe 7th cause I am already in 6th gear lol). Sincerely, Dennis
Explorer A
Dennis and Leigh, GO! is all I can say. And Leigh, it usually takes longer than 6 weeks to hear from what I have heard and experienced. Don't give up. I applied in 06' and heard back about a different job than FA. I passed on it. I aplied again in 07 and heard back after about 4-5 months I think it was. Well worth the wait. Many, many flight attendants work with small kids! You would need to be organized to do so I imagine. I personally chose to wait till mine were self sufficient to seek out the job. I could not figure out how to give my job 100% when I had little ones. That was a personal choice. I can now. Not to discourage you, but you need to know your plan! Good Luck and go for it if you can! Dennis, Good Luck! Look your BEST, Relax, and tell them what you can do and what you want to do for SWA and SMILE! Be happy to be there, be positive, it is alot of fun! And they are very nice people. Very professional and very friendly. Just like you need to be for this job! Best Regards, Steph let us know how it goes!
Explorer C
Steph, See? Your blog wasn't too long, look how many people got some kind of inspiration from it! It has really affected me in my personal/work life. Like Dennis, it has also helped me kick it into "7th gear". I have a f/a interview with another airline coming up next week. I 'll still apply again w/ swa in a year, as they are my first choice, but life is an adventure, so I'll see what happens. Congrats on diving into that f/a pool. Have you thought about where you would like to be based? Kim M
Explorer A
Thanks Kim and Good Luck with your next interview! I am SURE you are going to do well! Keep me posted! As for my base preference, since I literally live next to the runway at OAK, ( it took me 5 min to drive to and park at our GI and you know how close that was to the airport) I would choose Oak. I don't know enough about the commuting thing to make a second choice which is one of the reasons I was hoping to get validated on the chat board. I need to ask some questions of the experienced FA's about where would be the next best commute for me. From what I understand there might be a close base outside of Oak ( like San Jose) but to drive to it might take longer than flying to Sacramento. I don't know if that is true, just an example. See what I mean? ( Just scenarios, I understand I will very likely be based outside the state ) Anyway, I'm pretty sure Southwest will help me on this when the time comes. I would have to say that with my low senority, anywhere in Calif. would be a good wish to come true I think) I think they say that within a year or 2 a person might make it to the chosen base. I am going to have plenty of time to think about it while I pay my dues is my guess LOL!! Thanks Kim and enjoy your interview! Can't wait to hear about it! Steph
Explorer C
Hey, it's me Leigh. Thanks for the responses so far concerning my question about having kids and wanting to be a flight attendant. I have been a teacher for 18 years now, that was my first dream come true. Of course I love it or I wouldn't have worked with children for so long. But I've always had this strong desire to become a flight attendant for SWA! I've flown with them since I was 24 and I admired the wonderful personalities of the FA's on my flights. You know, my fellow employee's describe me as a people person, peace maker and bubbly person when our school and staff face diffuculties. I've always been this way even since I was in high school. It just comes naturally. I love my two boys and love spending every moment I can with them. I am blessed however to have a husband who is so involved with his children. He runs a Guide business from our home so he is pretty much a stay at home dad. He helps out tremendously with the kids and their daily demands. We sat down and had a long talk about this sudden interest in a career as a flight attendant and that's when I decided to go for it!!!!! I am a very organized and committed person, sometimes I'm overly organized! I just feel now that I'm 38 I need to go forward and give it my 100% and try! So I am still very hopefull! I do need to add this in reference to my original question about having small children; I know several ladies who are FA's and have small children too. And they do manage, but they worked for the airline industry before having children. My 10 year old has attended the same school I teach at and has been enrolled there since he was in Pre-K. Let me tell you, it has been tuff on him and me both. The pressure is huge having your "Mom" teaching at the same school you attend! He's a straight A student and earn's those grades on his own! But there's still too much pressure put on him by the other students and teachers. So my having another career is sure to relieve some of that pressure. I do have my soon to be 4 year old to raise also however, but like I said I have my awesome husband to be there when I can't. There are so many reason's for my strong desire to become a Flight Attendant, but let me tell ya, that would take all day! Hopefully this isn't too much, just thought I would clarify some things. Thanks for your time and again thank you to those who responded. 🙂 🙂 :) Leigh
Explorer C
Thanks so much Steph. I will let you all know how it goes! I am so so so so excited. Have a good weekend everyone!
Explorer A
Hi Leigh, I really liked what you wrote and it sounds like you have your plan. Be patient and read all the posts. I applied 2 times before hearing back about a possible FA opportunity! Some people more than that! Good Luck and let us know when you get your GI invite! Steph
Explorer A
Go Dennis!
Explorer C
Aww, thank you Stephanie! You know, I've enjoyed everything you have written and your responses to other potential FA's and you are awesome! You are definitely someone to look up to and admire! I will definitely let you know when I get my GI invite! Thanks Again! Leigh
Explorer C
Hey everyone. Just stumbled across this site this afternoon.!. After sending in my resume 10 months ago I am excited to announce that I have been invited to one of the Open House's for the F/A Position ! I currently work for a Major International Airline and am just extremly impressed with what I see as far as the morale with SWA F/A's. I knew this is where I belonged... Never have I had a chance to show my innerself while having the pleasure of taking people on vacations, home to see family, etc. ::Crosses fingers:: Orlando here I come :) i LUV to be LUVD 😛
Explorer C
Hello all! I just wanted to let you know that today was my Group Information session. It was such a great experience at the People Department and let me tell you those folks that run the show are THE nicest people you ever met. I have been invited to attend a 1 on 1 interview this week. I am so excited. To everyone out there who is just applying, keep up the faith and be patient. To those who are in my shoes, good luck and keep your chin up high and think positive. To those of you who did not make it the first time around, don't give up. I want to thank you all for your support very much. Good luck to all, Dennis. P.S. I will keep in touch so be waiting! 🙂
Explorer A
Hi Dennis, I am SO excited for you! I am a rookie too but here is the only advice I have for you! Be prepared to talk about ALL of your positive attributes, job skills, and moments when you excelled or worked "outside the box" and even the workworld challenges you have faced. Congrats for the recognition you have earned with your 1/1 invite. You interviewed in Oakland like me did'nt you? Aren't they just an awesome inspirational group over there? Every last one of them! Keep me in the loop. Have you found the site yet? It is for all of us wannabe FA's and some really cool authentic FA's who take the time to share their knowledge with us! Go there for lots of insight! By the way when is your 1/1? Let us know asap! Steph
Explorer C
anyone else goin to the GI session in orlando on the 7th of August?
Explorer C
hi!! im holly and ive been with dgs, which is a subsidary of delta, for a year now. however my station is closing, and i need to find another job. im fully trained in above and below wing operations and it has been a goal of mine to be inflight crew. ive always herd the best things about swa and would love to be part of the team. i submitted my online resume about a month ago, and i have not herd anything back at all. im trying to network and hopefuly get in touch with who i need to about the interview process. any sugestions?
Explorer C
Hello! My GI was in Phoenix and my 1 on 1 is tomorrow, same place. Thank you for your support Steph and I will check out that website. I will get back to you all as soon as I here anything!
Explorer C
Oh Steph, I was goin gto ask you whats your status right now. Are you in the pool, are you going to training soon? Whats the scoop?
Explorer A
Hi Dennis, Yes I am splashing around in the pool. My GI, and 1/1 were June 7th so I'm hoping to go to training asap but we all have to wait our turn to get plucked out of the pool! For some reason I thought you were here on the West Coast. Good Luck down in PHX at your 1/1! Let us know how it goes as soon as you can! Steph
Explorer C
Hello all! Today was my 1 on 1 interview and I would like to say that I felt it went excellent. Now I am going to be waiting and waiting and waiting. Now, as soon as I here something I will let you know. Steph, how long did it take for you to get your phone call? Again, as soon as I here something I will let you know! See ya!
Explorer C
SWA Flight Attendants are truly the best, none compare! But I stumbled across this really cool website that shows FA uniforms from every airline known to man! Check it out ! I'll be on it for hours I'm sure! Luv, Leigh
Explorer A
Hey Dennis! I'm glad to hear it went well for you! I will be thinking good thoughts for you while you wait. It was a rollercoaster for me during the 9 days I waited to hear back. 1 minute I felt positive about my interviews and the next minute I found myself wishing I had expressed my self better ! When the phonecall came it caught me on a Sat. afternoon when I had finally given worry a rest. I was driving on the freeway home from a mini vacation. I almost had to pull over I was so excited! 9 days was my wait time. I have heard of folks who found out that same day and some that waited longer than me for their call or email! Everyone says a letter in the mailbox usually means " try again". Think positive! Did you go to the SW/F/FA .org site I mentioned and start reading posts yet? Lots of posts from people who went through the same thing. I wish I had found that site sooner. Regards Steph
Explorer C
Hi Steph! I visit that site daily, and I have created an account but I can't seem to do much. It won't allow me to reply to posts or anything. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Well, I am still waiting for a phone call( Yes I am thinking positive and I am going to get a phone call) Its been 9 days. I am thinking next week from the sounds of it! Are you still in the pool? Whats your stat? Take care!
Explorer C
You know Dennis and Steph I've been checking this blog almost everyday to see if you both are in the pool or not! I hope you both get in!!! I sent in my resume at the beginning of June, still no word! Still hopeful! I still have a ways to go I'm sure. Anyways, keep updating and lets us all know as soon as you can! Sincerely, Leigh
Explorer A
Hi Dennis and Leigh, Yes I am still in the pool and if rumours are true I may be in it for a while! We will see! I was hoping for Oct. training but the downlow is that the 155+ count poolies from April/May that likely include much deserved Internal Promotions who are going to fill out the next couple of classes. These are peole who have worked hard to get in! It may be 08' before I get the go ahead. Dennis, Yes! think positive! You sound so "right" for the job! i hope it works out and please keep me informed here! I have been watching for you every day! As for the board, yes we are all waiting to do more than read the posts of the few that are allowed to post and do. Leigh! you too... just stay focused but it has only been a little more than a month. I have heard they aren't even taking any more apps. for a while so if that is true at least yours is in there. Like I told you in an earlier post and if you go the the site, many of us waited for months or more to get the invite! Be patient and read all the posts. it will help you. I wish I had known about the site earlier. Best Wishes and keep posting here for us! steph
Explorer C
Hello all!! First off, Carole, your article is amazing!!! I just got my letter for an invite to a group interview this past Friday, and I can't wait!!! Your article has really helped to calm my nerves!! Anyways, quick question about the makeup. You said that "makeup is required on duty" I wear eyeliner and mascara, but that's it. By makeup do you also mean that I need to wear coverup/concealer/foundation? Thanks!! T'Sharra
Explorer C
Hello All! I want to say that I recieved a letter in the mail last night stating "Congratulations" and I have been accepted for the flight attendant position. I never screamed and yelled so much in my life. I was so happy and excited! It is such an honor to be a part of Southwest Airlines. Now I am just waiting for the next steps to be completed! Thank you so much for your support Steph and everyone on here! I will keep you all posted. Have a good evening and take care!
Explorer A
OH WOW!!! THAT IS AWESOME DENNIS! I HAVE TO USE CAPITOLS TO EXPRESS HOW HAPPY I AM FOR YOU!!! YEAH!!!! I KNOW HOW HAPPY YOU ARE FEELING! I HAD A GOOD FEELING ABOUT YOU EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE NEVER MET. CONGRATS. OK so now... I need to calm down! LOL! Get registered on the board and try to get validated to post. Most of us newbies are not able to post but there is lots of posts from others to read. I will look for your posts both here and there. My email is posted there on my profile if you read back through some of my sidebar comments. Let me know what your name is on the board and when I see you I wil post a comment to you.A few of us F/F/A's stay in touch that way while we wait to get validated. Email me when you find it if you have any questions and I will add you to our little group if you would like to chat with us via email. Then when you get through background you post Aggie or Kimbersue and tell them to add you to the poolie list. You will be in the pool "officially". This is important because then you are in line for your training date. Like me and all the others there. My board name is "stefnyjane". Good Job! Steph
Explorer C
Hello, I am very excited to receive a letter from SWA that I am continuing with the hiring process for FA. Is there anything that I can do in the mean time as far as to study any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and Im soooo looking forward to becoming a FA.
Explorer C
Great news Dennis! Looks like while I'm waiting, I'll be back to teaching for another school year! I do love my job teaching, but I am so looking forward to my next career move! I've already told my boss and our principal that I submitted my resume online to SWA. They've known me for 18 years, so they don't hold any grudges toward me for wanting the change. I do consider myself lucky to still continue doing something I love and adore, while holding on to my hope of becoming a flight attendant for SWA! I am so happy for all who have reached that (what I consider) ultimate goal as a flight attendant! Steph and Dennis keep posting and updating . This helps future FA's keep their hopes up high!!!!! Leigh
Explorer C
Hi, my girlfriend had her one-on-one at the end of July and she said it went really well. She had her background check the same day. So far, it has been 17 days since her one-on-one and she has not heard anything. I am really excited for her to get a position with Southwest because that is the company she REALLY wants to work for. She has had several offers from other airlines, but she is definitely holding out for SWA! Any thoughts on whether or not she got the job based on how long she has waited??? I'd really like to give her some positive encouragement!
Explorer A
Hi Mike, Thats great that your girlfriend made it through the 1/1! After her 1/1 did they tell her she was selected to go through the background check before being sent to inflight training? This is key because background is a whole process, not just one day! If she was selected to go through background then that is what she is waiting to hear back from. Background checks can take a week to a month or 2 depending on how much there is to verify and how hard it is to get verified. She should be watching her email, mailbox and phones for messages from the First Advantage ( the background folks) or SW. If she has questions about her progress or status she should call the People Dept/ Employment Coordinator where she interviewed! I waited over a month before I finally got antsy and called SW back. Sure enough I was done and in the "pool" waiting for a training date but no one had told me! So I would have her call, or wait another week. Also many people say that they got an email from Southwest with a big Congratulations Airplane but that it got hung up in their spam filter so they never got it till they went looking for it! You might check your spam filter first! Good luck and keep posting to let us know how it goes! There is also a message board for future FA's. It is www.swa. that has alot of good info on it. She can register and hopefully will get approved to post soon. Many never get approved but you can still read the posts from everyone else.
Explorer C
Stephanie, Immediately after her 1/1 interview, she went through the intial steps of the background check process including fingerprinting and answering questions about her previous residences, etc. I've undergone an FBI background check and it sounded like a similar experience. Tomorrow will be three weeks since the 1/1. She is dying to call them but does not want to bug them. I guess the question is...if you pass the background check, do you get the job? Or is there still more decision making?
Explorer A
Hi Mike, Your girlfriends experience sounds similar to my own. I also did fingerprinting and filling out paper work about past employment and residences and schooling etc in the minutes after my 1/1 interviews. And I was NOT told at that time whether I had passed to the next phase! ! I was told to wait for a call or a letter. Keep in mind that the FBI is not onsite at the People Dept. to make determinations on this info that quickly! It is sent off to gosh knows who ( First Advantage for example) and the FBI maybe and possibly even the FAA for a thorough vetting process. AFTER my fingerprinting etc I waited 9 days to receive a call that I had made it to the training school opportunity PENDING THE BACKGROUND CHECK! Yes, after the congrats i still had to wait again! Now after passing background I am in a pool of candidates waiting for a training date. People DO fail training! I have NOT been hired yet until I complete training successfully! Has your girlfriend been told by the employment coordinator that she has been selected to go to training? Has she been told that her background check is complete and satisfactory? Once again, being fingerprinted does not mean you are hired! I suggest she call the People Dept where she interviewed to double check on her status. Have her ask if her background check is complete and is she a candidate in the "pool". Then you will know where she stands! Please let us know how this phone call goes! It is very exciting to hear that you have been selected! I too was reluctant to call and be a 'pest' but after a month of no onfo I did finally call and got the good news! My guess is if it has been 3 weeks she has probably passed background if they selected her that day of the interview. But she needs to know how the background went! Good Luck! Steph
Explorer C
Stephanie, Thanks for all of the great insights. She was invited to training on the day of her 1/1. I guess I just had the impression that the fingerprinting and whatnot was the beginning of the background check and hence a step forward in the right direction. She called the coordinator and this is what we know so far.... there were a lot of interviews in the Oakland location during the month of July and the People Coordinator is currently dealing with 1/1's from July 25th. My girlfriend's interview was after July 25th, so it is my impression that it is still up in the air as to whether she was selected to go further. Hopefully she passed her 1/1! She thought that it went great and she seemed pleased with her answers. It is just so hard to guess considering competitive the environment is. Thanks for your great insights and attitude. Mike
Explorer C
Wow, after reading some of the other blogs, it seems like people who get hired find out within 10 days and people who don't get hired tend to find out much later. Perhaps the back-up is dealing with all of the rejection letters. This does not sound good. Has anyone who interviewed (1/1) in Oakland in late July found out if they were hired or not?
Explorer A
Mike I imagine the "try again" letter is a standard form letter that they can send out easily. There was apparently alot of interviews just in these last couple of months so I am sure there is tons of stuff to process. If your girlfriend was invited to training on the day of her 1/1 then she is going through the background now so congrats to her! The fingerprinting and all of that are just the intitial phase, you are right. With all the interviews lately her background may be just in the slew of paperwork going back and forth between the different depts! Did they tell her to call back or wait for an email or what did they say? I finally got the email almost a month after I was told on the phone on the day I got the nerve up to call! So don't worry, it sounds like she is on track! Keep posting the progress! Steph
Explorer A
Mike I forgot to tell you the number for First Advantage is 1-800-289-2120. they do the background verifications. She can call client services, explain she is going through the background for SWA and ask if her file has been completed. They won't tell her the results but she will find out if it is done. Then she will know she is just waiting to hear from the People Dept. Good Luck!
Explorer C
Steph Whoops, I meant to say she was NOT specifically invited to training on the day of her 1/1. It went well and all, but they said she would find out the results in a few weeks. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for the advice with First Advantage. Mike
Explorer A
Well keep that number to First Advantage and keep her phone on and hopefully she will hear good news soon! Good Luck. I interviewed in Oakland too and I heard back on the 9th day after my 1/1. steph
Explorer C
Hi Steph and all the folks on here! I just wanted to say that I am in my background phase. Going on week 3. I am so excited and think about SWA everyday. I can't wait! Yippee! So Steph, any idea when you are going to class? I know that they call you 4 weeks in advance to let you know and 2 weeks before class starts you get a packet with very important papers. I do look at the other website very often however, I can only view stuff which I am ok with. I get to learn a lot of stuff on there. Take care to all!
Explorer A
Hi Dennis I was wondering where you were! What is your "board name"?. Mine is stefnyjane. I am a June 7 , 1/1 so have missed the class invite this time around it seems. So hopefully Oct. There is a post on the big forum from a guy who interviewed recently and was told that the pool was going to be done away with and classes will be about 160 in the future. He did not say when and was going to doublecheck his info. If correct that would be exciting for all of us who are waiting! So message me here or post a comment on my sidebar when you notice me on the board. If I recognize your board name then I can do the same. 3 weeks into background is good news. You should be all done by now. You could call "People" and ask your status ie if the background is finished. let us know! Steph
Explorer C
I am a stroke survivor and I was recently on a Southwest flight. One of the flight attendants on my flight was a woman named Michelle. I spoke with her about my stroke because she was going through the rehab process with her mother who had a stroke. She was so nice and I would like to get in touch with her to see how she is doing. I know you may not be able to give out details, but anything you can do to help would be appreciated. I know she is based out of Dallas.
Explorer C
Hi Steph! I was wondering how you prepared for your GI and your one on one. I hope I didn't miss it somewhere in one of your posts.. I think i read all of them.. hehe.. Please help!! Elisa
Explorer A
Hi Elisa, About my preparation for the GI. Well the funny thing is I didn't do anything really. I was ecstatic about the chance to get hired as an FA for SW but the truth is I was studying for finals, working and taking care of my family in the months and weeks before my invite date! I did fret over what to wear and didn't have time to shop for a really gorgeous "Power Suit" so I settled for the nice gray conservative pantsuit I have had for a couple of years and rarely had a chance to wear because I work in a uniform. I wore a crisp white ruffled blouse under it, not low cut! I wore nice smaller size jewelery and matching shoes and purse made sure I was neatly groomed, hair, makeup etc. As for mental preparation, it had been 22 1/2 yrs since my last job interview so I was nervous and didn't have any idea what to expect!!! I decided that just being myself would have to work for me because I didn't have a lot of business experience outside of the job I had held all these years and I am not a good actor so I just hoped they would like me and all the years I have spent helping customers at my longtime job. I went in there and was just amazed at what this Airline really is, the more I heard the more I knew I really wanted to work with them and if I didn't get hired I was going to be disappointed. THAT was making me nervous!LOL! Just remember! You are being interviewed the whole time you are there! Try to relax and have fun. If you get invited to the 1/1 phase remember the positive experiences you have with people in any capacity, your job, your church or volunteer work. Emphasize the positive attributes in your personality that pertain to the Flight Attendant job. The Supervisors, Recruiters and other SW employees who sit on your GI panel are all going to be really nice, knowledgeable people who are going to make you feel comfortable and welcome. So you will have fun I can guarantee you! I'm sorry I don't have a magic bullet or formula for you! I am still pinching myself that I got invited to training! But basically just be your very best self and try to emphasize the skills you already have that you feel they will be looking for. and like I said be happy, and as natural as you can be when you are so excited and nervous. I hope all this helps... Write me back and let me know how it goes Elisa! I really wish you lots of luck! Have fun!
Explorer C
Elisa, good choice asking Stephanie what she did to prepare! I always wondered too! I was at her GI and 1/1. She was FABULOUS! Steph did have a previous blog that she thinks is long, but it's not. If you haven't read it, it has some great info in there about customer service, etc. that will help you to prepare for the interview.Do think of challenging times, too, and how you handled it. (in a positive way, of course!) Stephanie, I DID get hired with the other airline, but passed on the opportunity for several reasons. I am counting the months until I can apply w/ swa again! Good luck to you Kim
Explorer A
Good to hear from you Kim! I agree SW is worth waiting for! Stay in touch and get on the boards that are set up for the future SW FA's. Keep that resume polished up and keep thinking positive. I have confidence in you! Steph
Explorer C
Hi all - whew, made it through the blog! The excitment here is wonderful. I attended a GI in August in Dallas after sending in my online resume about 5 months ago. Turns out some of the other people there had recommendations from friends who were current FA's with SWA and their invitation to the GI came after only a couple of weeks. They did not do any one-on-ones that day, but said it would be 2-3 weeks and we'd be notified by mail. It didn't take that long! I was asked back for a one-on-one coming up very soon. Like Steph I didn't really prepare for the GI, although I did a lot of online research trying to find out what to "expect". I really believe that all you can do is be yourself, and take a good look inside at your experiences to see what you have to offer and have information to share. I have a lot of life experience, yet to recall it at a moments notice is a little hard - it's always hindsight where I smack my forehead and think "why didn't I mention that!". LOL So for the 1-1 I am finding info regarding what to "expect" but I won't be "rehearsing" any answers because that wouldn't be me. I'm very excited to have the opportunity and whatever it may bring!
Explorer A
Best of Luck Emeraldskies! You will do fine with that attitude! The 1/1 that I attended involved an interview with 2 different senior/supervisory employees and there was a list of job experience questions, what if type questions and past experience questions. The interview touched on both positive and negative work events and towards the end of the interview the question was asked "What qualities will you bring to Southwest Airlines" ( I forget my interviewers exact phrasing). Because I did absolutely no research on Southwests Interview methods all the questions were a surprise to me and I had to answer the best I could and honestly! No time to try and make myself look good when you do it that way! LOL! I think a little research would have been helpful as well as some tips on posture and eye contact and such. I found myself feeling a little shy at times and wanting to cast my eyes down so a little pump up pep talk in the mirror would have been good for me beforehand as a reminder to make good eye contact. I just kept thinking " I can't believe SW is actually interviewing ME for a my Dream Job!" It was really humbling! Regards, Steph
Explorer C
Thanks Steph for the insight! I feel the same way you do about this being humbling - after all it's a job I've thought of for many years and I'm just now getting to it! I do not look back and regret never applying (well actually I did request an app in 1979 but I talked myself out of sending back the application!). Talk about getting in your own way! My life took me down another path - which I've enjoyed, and still am enjoying, but I can feel that this job is the right fit in my life now. I'm very excited and feeling quite honored that they want to see me again! I was so impressed with the memorabilia on the walls at HO in Dallas. I could have spent the day there just going through the halls and reading everything on the walls. I'm hoping to have time to read some of it when return for the 1 on 1 next week. I left that day knowing I wanted to be a part of this team - truly amazing! Thank you for wishing me luck and I'll be lurking around to post on the progress. I'm ready to make a splash in that pool too!