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Southwest Airlines Community

First Day of School


School is in!  I don’t have any children, but I guess you really don’t have to to realize all of the office conversation surrounding how the first day of school went.  All this talk made me reminisce to my first day of school, well my first day at junior high school.   I remember it so clearly (well not that clearly, it was a long time ago).  It was the first time I could start wearing makeup.  I had a really short bob haircut that I decided it would look fabulous with a perm (I mean an old school ’90s perm).  Oh, it so did NOT look fabulous.  Nevertheless, I was really excited and nervous.  

You might be asking why I even would want to remember that day considering the hideous hair style I was sporting.  Well, it was 20 years ago on that first day of class that I met my BFF (best friend forever)!  I don’t remember who started talking to whom that day but we haven’t stopped talking since.  I remember she had this infectious laugh and still does.  Alex (the BFF) has been there for me everyday for the past 20 years.  She was there when I moved away to college.  She was there through my heartbreaks and the really happy times too.  She was always there when I needed her the most.  She is now a wife and a wonderful mother of two beautiful girls. 

When I started working at Southwest, the first place I went was to Midland, Texas (my hometown) to visit Alex.  I have been back numerous times and I will forever be grateful to Southwest because, let’s face, it that 5 to 6 hour drive from Dallas to Midland is a little painful.  To those who have endured that road trip, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

I am so lucky to have Alex in my life and would like to dedicate my first blog to our friendship and to all the BFF’s out there!  Who knows maybe this will be the week your child finds their best friend forever!