Our long-time symbol of LUV, the stir stick topped with a small heart, was scheduled to be replaced onboard our flights with a small straw. Upon hearing the news, I was moved to write the following tribute.
Dear little stir stick with your heart held high
Must we really say, "Good bye?"
You've given so many such good cheer
With your stick in the cup saying, "Liquor's in here!"
If this was your only use I'd understand
How a straw could replace you and have the upper hand.
Pepper for Bloody Mary's you've held so tight
Can anything else ever be right?
Do they know of the crowns
you've helped create
Along with bags of peanuts - a birthday to celebrate?
Children's eyes sparkle with delight
As they see you peeking at them in their Sprite!
You are part of the Legend and will remain as such
Raise a toast
to the stir stick for giving so much!
So you see, little things mean a lot. On reexamination, the stir stick stays! In the future I hope you will look at it with renewed respect!