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Southwest Airlines Community

Airport Check-in Only

Explorer C

Went to check in 10 minutes after the 24 hour window began and received an error message that I had to check in at the airport. I try a few more times, log in and out of the app, and try on the normal website and continue to receive the same message. I call and a CS agent answered immediately (shocked face) and after checking everything, I was told I was “randomly selected” and just needed to arrive at the airport early to complete my check in on an airport kiosk. I asked why this may have happened to which she responded that it was “TSA thing”. I confirmed that I could complete my check in on a kiosk once at the airport and she confirmed. so I followed up with how is this a TSA random check if I can still complete the check in on a self-service kiosk without an further verification and she had no further information to add. Just said this happens sometimes. My thought is this was just a canned response from a CSA and Southwest has no clue why this happened and can’t fix it.


Re: Airport Check-in Only

Aviator A

TSA is doing some weird stuff. I'm TSA Pre and CLear I fly a lot so TSA should know me pretty well. I am not dangerous in any way.


I had a flight  yesterday, and I was "randomly" selected to have    to show my DL. Then I was selected to go thru the body scanner after the magnetic scanner beeped me. THEN TSA said they needed to check my PHONE?  I asked why? The response was to check for explosive residue.


I've had TSA check my bags for residue in the past, but never my PHONE.