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Southwest Airlines Community

Amazing Customer Service at Curbside Check In

Explorer C

One lovely man named Sergei gave great assistance to my feisty elderly mother at curbside check in. On  Saturday 11/24/2018 at Sacramento International Airport around 8:15am, running late to drop off my beautiful 83 year old Mom for her 9:35am flight, we pulled up to curbside check in. After opening up the trunk of the car to pull out a suitcase I looked up to see a relaxed Sergei walking up to help us. (or maybe Sergei just wanted to drive my car) He was so good with my Mother and with me; helped in more ways than he knows. I just wish I could thank him again in person. 




Re: Amazing Customer Service at Curbside Check In

Explorer C

Sergei where are you?



Re: Amazing Customer Service at Curbside Check In

Aviator A

Great story, and thanks for sharing it.


If you'd like to let Southwest know how you feel, you could contact customer service (ways listed on the top left of the contact us webpage) to provide recognition. There  can't be too many Curbside checkin employees named Sergei in Sacramento so Southwest should pretty easily know who he is.

Re: Amazing Customer Service at Curbside Check In

Aviator A

Just fyi, curbside check-in staff are almost always employed by the airport or a third-party, and are not employees of Southwest Airlines proper. Not that that changes everything about the exemplary service you received. Southwest should be able to pass on your kudos, however if not you may wish to consider reaching out directly to the airport. 

Re: Amazing Customer Service at Curbside Check In

Aviator C

It's real great reading your kudos to the curb-side team. Often, passengers skip over them and their work, since they're rushing for a flight! 


Go Sergei in Sacramento!

Community Champion | PHL based | ex-Companion Pass Holder | Southwest Passenger