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Southwest Airlines Community

Airline Credits transferred

Explorer C

Hello, all! I am aware that the rule for Southwest airlines (at least since 2011 or so) has been that you can't use airline credit for an unused, canceled ticket purchased for another individual for a ticket you'd like to purchase for yourself, even when you are the one who booked it, paid for it, and had to cancel it, due to unforeseen circumstances on the other person's behalf, etc...


I've had a credit sitting there for a ticket amount I could've applied ages ago for tickets I've purchased since then. Now that I've had to cancel other tickets due to COVID, I'm feeling so frustrated that these trips, now passed and never to be redeemed with the same people, can't be applied toward future travel for me and my spouse. 


I think now would be a GREAT time, in light of COVID and all the travel cancellations we've had to make, to update this policy and allow credit to be applied to anyone, as long as we have the previous confirmation number and appropriate information. That way travel and money lost can be redeemed!!  


Please consider this change. Anyone else feel this way, especially now? 


Re: Airline Credits transferred

Aviator C

Hey there,


Apologies for this. For direct assistance with your vouchers or credits, be sure to DM the airline directly (via Twitter or FB). 


Hope this info helps,

Community Champion | PHL based | ex-Companion Pass Holder | Southwest Passenger

Re: Airline Credits transferred

Aviator A

@shannonjadducci wrote:

Hello, all! I am aware that the rule for Southwest airlines (at least since 2011 or so) has been that you can't use airline credit for an unused, canceled ticket purchased for another individual for a ticket you'd like to purchase for yourself, even when you are the one who booked it, paid for it, and had to cancel it, due to unforeseen circumstances on the other person's behalf, etc...


I've had a credit sitting there for a ticket amount I could've applied ages ago for tickets I've purchased since then. Now that I've had to cancel other tickets due to COVID, I'm feeling so frustrated that these trips, now passed and never to be redeemed with the same people, can't be applied toward future travel for me and my spouse. 


I think now would be a GREAT time, in light of COVID and all the travel cancellations we've had to make, to update this policy and allow credit to be applied to anyone, as long as we have the previous confirmation number and appropriate information. That way travel and money lost can be redeemed!!  


Please consider this change. Anyone else feel this way, especially now? 


Southwest announced some time ago that soon they will offer the ability to convert travel funds into Rapid Rewards points. This would allow the account holders to use their points to purchase flights for anyone. This may be helpful for your situation.

Re: Airline Credits transferred

Aviator A

The option to convert travel funds to Rapid Rewards points is now live. You can find the option toward the top of the My Account page on SW's site.




-A List, Companion Pass holder