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Credit Card Bonus Offer: time to jump on board? Or hold out?

Explorer C

I am not in the market for another credit card, I'm really not. 


I did receive a Southwest Credit Card offer, which I do receive from time to time, and I typically pitch. However, this offer seems really, really decent. 


A small caveat- I am not a huge traveler. I do love to travel, but...with work and all that, I don't travel as much as I'd like. But, that said, it has more to do with the consistency. Last year, I traveled 4 or 5 times for short weekends. This year, however, my travel consisted of a beach vacation (drove) and an overseas vacation, which was obviously not Southwest. 


I have some trips in mind for next year, but nothing in stone just yet. 


I've been somewhat interested in a Southwest card for a while, but I don't anticipate going for Companion Pass or anything. I've been waiting for an amazing deal to come along, but nothing has really piqued my interest until now.


I received an offer for 50,000 points, which to be fair, not a ton of points, but it's only $1,000 spending the first 3 months, which is very doable. To me, I find 50K for 1,000 spending preferable to say 75K for 3,000 spending. 


50,000 points could go a long way for me. If I look for the deals and price things out, I could find some RTs for around 14K. Conservatively, that could end up being a $450 value. 


Thoughts? Would you jump on this 50K offer? Should I hold out for a better one?


Re: Credit Card Bonus Offer: time to jump on board? Or hold out?

Aviator A

If you want to limit the spend requirement to $1,000, then the current 50K RR points offer is about as good as it is going to get.