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Southwest Airlines Community

flight cancellation and re scheduling

Explorer C

I understand that flights get changed and delayed because of weather and mechanical problems so on and so forth, but I am very disappointed in Southwest's handling of a re-scheduling of tickets I purchased in February 2021 for an August 2021 flight.  I received an e-mail at 12:08 am telling me of changes made to my itinerary.  I Originally purchased a one stop ticket out of St. Louis, MO to Bozeman, Montana via Denver, CO with a late morning departure (this was for my convenience of not having to get to the airport at 6:00am).  


Southwest changed the departure to a 2 hour and 40 minute earlier flight since the original  late morning flight was no longer offered,  hmm, I will have to get to the airport at 6am. anyway ) :.  On top of that, they added another stop to the flight and cancelled the last leg of the flight and  left us in Denver, CO.  We had to call in and reserve a new flight which was Bozeman, MT, our original destination.   It seems they do not think about hotel reservations and car rentals that go along with these tickets.   This was very poor customer service in my opinion.  I have always favored Southwest over the other carriers but, with this incident,  I have come to the conclusion, their just like all the other carriers, it would only be a matter of time until it happens to you.  This very same thing happened with American Airlines and they thought the customer would  be able to change things with the snap of your fingers and accept it and say ok it's all good.   We could have been left holding the bag if we had not been able to secure another flight for the last leg of our trip.   


Re: flight cancellation and re scheduling

Aviator A

Southwest has been revising its summer schedule which has results in lots of flights changing and this has caused the phone lines to get backed up. If I were you i would hang up and reach out to Southwest on Facebook or Twitter for a quicker response. You could also use the in app chat feature which is a quick fix as well. 


You can also share your feedback by Contacting Customer Relations 



Re: flight cancellation and re scheduling

Aviator C

Or ping privately via Social, thanks for the thoughts!

Community Champion | PHL based | ex-Companion Pass Holder | Southwest Passenger