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Southwest Airlines Community

Lack of direct flights Tampa Chicago O'Hare

Explorer C

Southwaste once had direct flights to/from Tampa and Chicago O'Hare then, all of a sudden they stopped it. I was very disappointed and contacted customer service they explained in a previous announcement that many flight routes to various destinations would be eliminated. The lack of aircraft was one of the reasons. Seriously each time I flew their direct flights they were packed solid and had plenty of standbys. Huge demand. 


The alternative is inconvenient Midway, a greater distance from the north and northwestern suburban Chicago.  This includes passengers from southern Wisconsin. 


Regardless, if they have a couple of gates at terminal 5 at O'Hare, they should reinstate those direct flights and build a presence at O'Hare soon. Otherwise, I will move on to another airline. 


Re: Lack of direct flights Tampa Chicago O'Hare

Frequent Flyer C

It has been publicly stated in multiple articles and online forums that Southwest is currently facing a shortage of aircraft due to production issues at Boeing.

As a result, Southwest has had to prioritize its more profitable routes and eliminate the poorer performing routes and, in some cases, destinations.

Just because aircraft are full does not mean a route is profitable - especially if the majority of passengers are paying deeply reduced fares.

Additionally, your own statement that "they were packed solid and had plenty of standbys" indicate that the flights had plenty of empty, unsold seats at departure time to accommodate standby passengers.

Southwest has said that as soon as it can get the aircraft delivery issues with Boeing resolved, it wants to restore its route system to its pre-pandemic state.

Re: Lack of direct flights Tampa Chicago O'Hare

Explorer C

Most already know that and it does not solve my issue with direct flights to O'Hare from Tampa anytime soon with Southwest. Regardless of the excuses blamed on Boeing and profitable routing, there are other airlines with direct routes to O'Hare and I will book travel with them accordingly. Direct flights are crucial for me and many others between major city airports.


Airlines have choices as to what aircraft they fly, if Boeing can't deliver then look at Airbus.