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Southwest Airlines Community

September timetable

Explorer C

How firm is the schedule for September 2024?  Is it firm enough that I can make a non-refundable car and hotel reservations based on it, or are there likely to be significant changes?


Re: September timetable

Frequent Flyer B

I personally would not ever make a non-refundable car or hotel as there are changes all the time.  It could even be weather or illness, unrelated to SW schedule.  That being said, SW does change their schedule.  I think (but not sure) that when you receive an email that says "Your MM/DD trip to CITY, ST is all set" is when you can be comfortable they have set their schedule.  I received this email for a 7/22 flight on 6/22 so about 1 month in advance. 

Re: September timetable

Frequent Flyer A

Prepare for disappointment when you buy any thing or service that is non-refundable, regardless of Southwest's schedule.

Re: September timetable

Explorer C

You are right. I agree with you.