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Southwest Airlines Community

Idle Thoughts Hot Take: give priority boarding to customers that don't have a carry-on.

Explorer C

If we could get 25% of the passengers to check a bag and just board with a backpack / bag / purse we would all board and deplane so much easier. Would knowing you will be a "High B" because you checked a bag be incentive enough to change your behavior? I'm not suggesting that a bag-checker would jump ahead of existing status holders or folks that pay for upgrades. Just ahead of general steerage folks that carryon.

I love checking a bag w/ SWA and have never once had a problem with a lost /delayed bag (I just jinxed myself). When I fly another airline and do carryon (because I'm a cheapskate) I don't really notice getting on or off airport property significantly faster. Yes, it's easier / faster but it doesn't seem tremendously so. At some inefficient airports (I'm looking at you, DEN) it's almost for sure a wash.

If that shift was to happen, would Southwest regret it due to the demands of having to handle that much more baggage?

I could see flight attendants all excited that we are boarding faster but baggage handlers seething and cranky due to increased workload. Who would win if it was a battle? Flight attendants can be pretty scrappy in a pinch. Don't rule them out.


Re: Idle Thoughts Hot Take: give priority boarding to customers that don't have a carry-on.

Adventurer C

I don’t typically check bags to be nimble, I often use the flexibility of standby and same day change and don’t want to worry about my luggage. I am not sure how this could be implemented because you can always add bags after you check in and have already received your boarding pass. 

Re: Idle Thoughts Hot Take: give priority boarding to customers that don't have a carry-on.

Aviator A

You tried this survey on Reddit and pretty much got shut down. You'll get the same here.