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Southwest Airlines Community

Oops…don’t try this CP trick at home…

Aviator C

Re: Oops…don’t try this CP trick at home…

Aviator A

in January of 2022 my companion and I flew separately because of an oversell (obviously different situation than a cheater) but I was confused that they let us separate. My companion flew the night before me with the oversell and even had a layover so I’m surprised the layover city didn’t ask any questions 

Re: Oops…don’t try this CP trick at home…

Aviator C

Yeah, I figured there could be situations where on THEIR part they have to honor the ticket flying separately.  I’d assume it would take a lot of hoop jumping on the back end to make it legit.


i had to get off a flight early one time and made sure I bought my companion her own ticket ahead of time for the final leg.  

Let’s hope I never have to endure similar complexity again.