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Southwest Airlines Community

Young traveler- Parent or guardian

Explorer C

Hello, I am booking a ticket for my 14 year old niece for a domestic flight. 


The FAQs say that 

"When you purchase a ticket for a YT, you represent that you’re either the parent or guardian of the YT and/or have authority to act on behalf of the parent or guardian regarding travel for the YT".


Should I have any documentation to show that I am acting on behalf of the parent regarding travel when I am booking the ticket, or when I drop her off at the airport for her flight?


She is also not a US citizen, so will her international passport be recognized as travel document?


Can I drop her off at the check in and she can proceed with check in, security and boarding herself or should I accompany her to the gate?




Re: Young traveler- Parent or guardian

Aviator A

SW considers those 13 and older to be adults for travel purposes. No one should question your ticket purchase and she should be able to transit the airport unaccompanied - should you / she feel comfortable with that. The fact that she is carrying a foreign passport should make no difference. 

Re: Young traveler- Parent or guardian

Aviator C

@chitramahadevan wrote:

Hello, I am booking a ticket for my 14 year old niece for a domestic flight. 


The FAQs say that 

"When you purchase a ticket for a YT, you represent that you’re either the parent or guardian of the YT and/or have authority to act on behalf of the parent or guardian regarding travel for the YT".


Should I have any documentation to show that I am acting on behalf of the parent regarding travel when I am booking the ticket, or when I drop her off at the airport for her flight?


She is also not a US citizen, so will her international passport be recognized as travel document?


Can I drop her off at the check in and she can proceed with check in, security and boarding herself or should I accompany her to the gate?






I would certainly accompany but it is your call either way. As @dfwskier mentioned, your niece shouldn't be stopped or questioned as she goes through the airport alone but I would go with her, wait with her at the gate, and stay in the gate area until the plane pushes back and takes off. I would also have written documentation from the parents/guardian in case a Southwest CSA asks for it when getting the Gate Pass (I don't think that will happen but I would have it just to be safe).


Here is Southwest's Info page on Young Travelers and how to get a Gate Pass to go through TSA:


  • Arrive at the airport early. Review our suggested airport arrival times and allow enough time to park the car, check luggage, go through security, and check in at the gate.
  • Check in at the ticket counter with a copy of the YT’s itinerary.
  • If you need a gate pass, which is required to accompany the child through the security checkpoint, ask at the ticket counter. Be sure to have your valid, government-issued ID.
  • We recommend that you stay in the gate area until the YT’s flight is in the air.
  • Call whoever’s picking up the YT to let them know that the flight has departed.
  • Remember, it’s your responsibility to ensure a YT arrives on time for check-in and boarding. Keep in mind that we reserve the right not to allow YT travel on flights that may be delayed, diverted, or canceled due to weather or other operational disruptions.