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Southwest Airlines Community


Explorer C

I need a response

As a woman carrying my Quran at the airport at Phenix airport, I've been a loyal Southwest Airlines customer, but after my recent experience, I've decided it's my last flight with them. During boarding, despite having the correct number, I was unfairly held back by a Southwest employee named Lynn, allowing others to board ahead of me and my mother, seemingly because of our Muslim faith. When I voiced my concern, I said "these numbers are after our number and this is an obvious discrimination" another employee named Michael J Page intervened, aggressively cornering me and insisting I repeat certain phrases or be denied boarding, citing vague behavioral concerns. Feeling coerced, I complied, but not before informing him of my intent to report his actions. When I told him I will report his action he said "He knows my name" which I find it threatening. Despite attempts by my husband, who is a doctor, to address the situation, Michael J Page ignored him and left the aircraft. This discriminatory treatment and intimidation are unacceptable and warrant immediate attention.


Re: boarding

Aviator C

@SN wrote:

I need a response

As a woman carrying my Quran at the airport at Phenix airport, I've been a loyal Southwest Airlines customer, but after my recent experience, I've decided it's my last flight with them. During boarding, despite having the correct number, I was unfairly held back by a Southwest employee named Lynn, allowing others to board ahead of me and my mother, seemingly because of our Muslim faith. When I voiced my concern, I said "these numbers are after our number and this is an obvious discrimination" another employee named Michael J Page intervened, aggressively cornering me and insisting I repeat certain phrases or be denied boarding, citing vague behavioral concerns. Feeling coerced, I complied, but not before informing him of my intent to report his actions. When I told him I will report his action he said "He knows my name" which I find it threatening. Despite attempts by my husband, who is a doctor, to address the situation, Michael J Page ignored him and left the aircraft. This discriminatory treatment and intimidation are unacceptable and warrant immediate attention.



Sorry to hear you experienced this. There may be more to this incident as it is illegal for an airline to subject a person in air transportation to discrimination on the basis of religion. I would forward your letter in an email addressed directly to Southwest Customer Relations for review as this a customer-to-customer forum and official action cannot be processed here.


Gate Agents can pull passengers from the boarding line for other valid reasons but never on the basis of one's religion alone. Given the seriousness and degree of what you felt, best not to make assumptions on this board and have Customer Relations investigate this for you so they can investigate and determine the actual reason of why you were pulled.